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Search results

  1. Yanmega

    Yanmega vs Keta

    Ok first fly into a tree where Lijierfai can't attack you. Then use sunny day then take a rest. Fly high into a tree~Sunny day~Chill
  2. Yanmega

    Zari Island RP

    ((What ever))
  3. Yanmega

    What series do you play?

    Pokemon Mario (Yoshi and DK too) Legend of Zelda Kirby Sonic the Hedgehog
  4. Yanmega

    What colour socks are you wearing?

    I'm wearing invisible socks! (I'm not wearing socks)
  5. Yanmega

    Zari Island RP

    Buzz opened and focused his large orange eyes on his surroundings. He saw that he had slept in a large tree. "Yahhh!" He yelled as he squirmed untill the branch that he was sleeping on snapped. He continued to yell as the ground was speeding toward him faster than a truck. All of a sudden...
  6. Yanmega

    Yanmega vs Keta

    First try to fly in circles so Lijierfai will get confused and miss. Use sunny day to make sure that she can't have any boosts for thunder. Lastly use Bug Buzz. And she dosn't have "a secret admiration for you" she is just trying to trick you into not attacking. Fly in circles~Sunny Day~Bug...
  7. Yanmega

    That looks realy cool

    That looks realy cool
  8. Yanmega

    Not really. But how about a gold magneton?

    Not really. But how about a gold magneton?
  9. Yanmega

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Ok ok I finally lost it. I cracked up so hard on that one.
  10. Yanmega

    Hey. Not much going on here is there?

    Hey. Not much going on here is there?
  11. Yanmega

    What Pokemon mood are you in?

    Like a Slaking. I'm feeling very relaxed.
  12. Yanmega

    How many siblings do you have?

    None. *Sob sob*
  13. Yanmega

    Idea Center

    Me too. In fact I beat it twice because I liked it so much! Anyway... You should make a SPM rpg where you're a made up pixel! Maybe Dimentio wants his revenge and tries to create a new universe where all people suffer and are his slaves. and a small group of people/monsters are traveling from...
  14. Yanmega

    Zari Island

    Re: Zari Island! Revamped and Open again! Name: Buzz Age: 17 Species: Yanmega Personality: Buzz is always loud and annoying but is also very happy all the time. Special features: His colors are opposite of normal yanmega colors. He isn't used to flying so when he trys to fly he will start...
  15. Yanmega

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    You guys will be in so much shock. Ok ready? Yanmega!!!
  16. Yanmega

    Testing thread

    Yo Nvm didn't work
  17. Yanmega

    How was your school day?

    Today was my first day of school. Everyone was an asshole, I don't like my teachers, I took a test on the first day and everything was boring because we just listened to the rules seven times over. But for school it was a pretty good day!
  18. Yanmega

    Your Birth Order

    Only child =( ... If you count my step sisters I'm last born.
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