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Search results

  1. Holy Diver

    Hello! (Generic Intro is Generic)

    My bad. :sweatdrop: You shall now be referred to (by me) as Steele henceforth! Gotta get away... Holy Diveeerrrrrrrrr - Yeaaah! Out of curiosity, which version of Holy Diver is preferred (more) here? Dio's ver. or Killswitch's ver.?
  2. Holy Diver

    TCoD WSC: Week 18

    Oop, sorry Tropiking. Thanks for informing me - I think this entry should be in order: (78 x 76)
  3. Holy Diver

    Don't worry, the song's too hard not to resist. ;) Thank you for the welcome!

    Don't worry, the song's too hard not to resist. ;) Thank you for the welcome!
  4. Holy Diver

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    This was a pic taken by my friend on the last (official) day of school/relief.
  5. Holy Diver

    Hello! (Generic Intro is Generic)

    Indeed. ;) Thank you for the welcome Blackthorne Steele! Tea and cod sounds oh so very *squeals* delightful! Oh what's becoming of me?! Thank you for the welcome Zangviper and - I get complimentary tea and cod?! *faints with a smile* Thank you very much Kali the Flygon! It is a privilege to...
  6. Holy Diver

    Hello! (Generic Intro is Generic)

    Hi Blastoise! and hooray for old people like me! :3 Hi and thank you Shadow Serenity! *bows* *tips invisible hat while bowing*
  7. Holy Diver

    Hello! (Generic Intro is Generic)

    Well, I feel like I had to make an introduction thread sooner or later - so here it is! Guess I'll give some general info about myself... My rl name is Matt, so feel free to call me that. I just graduated high school. I like to run distance. I like to sprite and have been doing so for a good...
  8. Holy Diver

    TCoD WSC: Week 18

    Hello everybody here at TCoD. Here's my Pokemon alteration for this week: It's a Chanseysaur(us)! :D
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