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Search results

  1. River

    Thank you, good sir or madam. I wish you much enjoyment in the near foreseeable future. In other...

    Thank you, good sir or madam. I wish you much enjoyment in the near foreseeable future. In other words, "Thanks, I hope you have a good day!"
  2. River

    :P Excellent! Have a cookie/pie thing! (::) It's filled with energy and luck, too.

    :P Excellent! Have a cookie/pie thing! (::) It's filled with energy and luck, too.
  3. River

    Heh, You should do fine. What's new with you?

    Heh, You should do fine. What's new with you?
  4. River

    Well, best of luck to you anyway.

    Well, best of luck to you anyway.
  5. River

    Excellent. Think you'll do well?

    Excellent. Think you'll do well?
  6. River

    That's good, anything else interesting/good/fun happen?

    That's good, anything else interesting/good/fun happen?
  7. River

    Hmm... Sounds interesting. What did you think of it?

    Hmm... Sounds interesting. What did you think of it?
  8. River

    Pretty much. So... uh... Read any good books lately?

    Pretty much. So... uh... Read any good books lately?
  9. River

    |;) (::) Want one? Anyway, are you enjoying life today? I WISH YOU MUCH LUCK IN YOUR...

    |;) (::) Want one? Anyway, are you enjoying life today? I WISH YOU MUCH LUCK IN YOUR VENTUUuuuure...
  10. River

    Tilde? Smiles are always good! So I baked a cookie! This is my original username/name and I...

    Tilde? Smiles are always good! So I baked a cookie! This is my original username/name and I missed it so.
  11. River

    Do de do de do! Excellent, I'm glad. (I changed yesterday)

    Do de do de do! Excellent, I'm glad. (I changed yesterday)
  12. River

    [OPEN] Galactic Ascending

    Name: Gale "Ink" Matthews Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Gale has trim black hair that he refuses to brush, comb or otherwise style anymore than washing it from time to time. His grey eyes are covered by a rectangular pair of glasses with black frames. He's scrawny and thin, but stands at a...
  13. River

    The secret service is more obvious than a big red bus driving through your house. Character...

    The secret service is more obvious than a big red bus driving through your house. Character implementation is sometime difficult, especially with the legendary characters. You always feel like they should blow something up when they arrive. Mine's about a Gengar called Ink with a rather...
  14. River

    Yeah, they sorta failed on that one... What about their secret agents, the bulky guys with...

    Yeah, they sorta failed on that one... What about their secret agents, the bulky guys with sunglasses and suits. Who wears that during the day? Sounds awesome. It makes me think of Palkia coming along and messing with some people, what with him being in control of space and all. But that is...
  15. River

    I wondered why my watch fires lasers... Oooh, what's the main story line like? And I totally...

    I wondered why my watch fires lasers... Oooh, what's the main story line like? And I totally understand, I threw my shoe at the ceiling and took down a huntsman (about 5 inches including legs). There are so many of them around at this time of year >.< -By god, you're right. And he has a mustache!-
  16. River

    It is rather interesting, yes? I'm feeling quite good at the moment, started another Pokemon fan...

    It is rather interesting, yes? I'm feeling quite good at the moment, started another Pokemon fan fiction, mildly gruesome, although it may be. I quite like the concept behind my main character. Anything interesting happening where you are? -They do look like an overeager pac-man if you think...
  17. River

    And I'm on again *spooky music*. Silliness aside, how are you? I haven't talked with you for a...

    And I'm on again *spooky music*. Silliness aside, how are you? I haven't talked with you for a while. (Excellent name-change by the way.)
  18. River

    Yes, quite. I accidentally forgot about this website due to the exams earlier this year along...

    Yes, quite. I accidentally forgot about this website due to the exams earlier this year along with a 7 week long homework assignment. But I remembered and now I'm going to semi-lurk for a while. How's life?
  19. River

    *poke back*

    *poke back*
  20. River

    That's good. *Doesn't mind at all*

    That's good. *Doesn't mind at all*
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