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Search results

  1. SoulFloatzel_Umbreon

    Do you furiously tap the a button when you go to catch a pokemon?

    I just press A or Y depending on which direction it goes. unless it were suicune...
  2. SoulFloatzel_Umbreon

    Which Pokemon ability best suits you?

    run away early bird rivalry cute charm swift swim
  3. SoulFloatzel_Umbreon

    How did you become a Pokémon fan?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon fan? pearl made me a fan but i was playing and watching pokemon since i was 2
  4. SoulFloatzel_Umbreon

    Best and Worst Attack Animations

    I liked gen IV extrasensory, cosmic power, wish, and magical leaf i don't like the animation of ingrain in gen IV water gun in gen III and thunder in gen III
  5. SoulFloatzel_Umbreon

    Your favourite Pokémon of each type?

    Re: Your favourite Pokémon of each type? Fire: Typhlosion Water: Floatzel Grass: Sceptile Electric: Luxray Dragon: Garchomp, Dragonite Psychic: Gallade Flying: Togekiss Normal: Furret Rock: Tyranitar Ground: Flygon Dark: Absol Fighting: Infernape Steel: Steelix Ice: Weavile Poison: Crobat Bug...
  6. SoulFloatzel_Umbreon

    Hello there

    Hello. I'm new and I'm SoulFloatzel_Umbreon.
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