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Search results

  1. Captain Sea Turtle

    [GAME OVER] Super Random Mafia Game [ALIEN WIN]

    Re: [Night 1] Super Random Mafia Game demonickittens, who also showed up as innocent. Watch me die tomorrow night, fwee.
  2. Captain Sea Turtle

    [GAME OVER] Super Random Mafia Game [ALIEN WIN]

    Re: [Night 1] Super Random Mafia Game I'm going to go out on a limb (and out in a blaze of fire) and do something I've never done before: roleclaim. I am the Inspector, believe it or most likely not, and Hiikaru is innocent. Why am I doing this? Because I'm a cynical evil almost-Mafia-aligned...
  3. Captain Sea Turtle

    Mental Institution Mafia

    All right, the small island city convenes only to find that with no one dead, no one should die. No one is executed tonight. You have 24 hours for night actions.
  4. Captain Sea Turtle

    Mental Institution Mafia

    Um...guys, you have like, 25 mins to vote. I'm willing to extend if people need it, but c'mon guys, is my game really that special? Should I flatter myself?
  5. Captain Sea Turtle

    [GAME OVER] Super Random Mafia Game [ALIEN WIN]

    Re: [DAY 1] Super Random Mafia Game Am I the only person that finds that sentence both off-putting and suspicious?
  6. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game Unless someone feels like either stepping forward as a healer/Fabre or unless someone decides to say something stupid, I'll go ahead and vote with the crowd and abstain because I couldn't just have a brainwave or something intelligent, no.
  7. Captain Sea Turtle

    Mental Institution Mafia

    Posting because it was asked of me, to inform you that you are allowed to out-of-room converse with people in your room during the day. Just a heads-up, for whatever its worth. Also, Brock, there are both healers and an alien.
  8. Captain Sea Turtle

    Mental Institution Mafia

    So sorry for lateness, had to rush off to a school thingamajig. Thingamajigs: They might cause cancer. Anyway... ---------------------- Day approaches as the many weary and unstable patients of the Home turn to the dusty old TV screens in their various rooms. The Acting Head Dr. Ryan N. Nolsar...
  9. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game Grace, Minisentry, Lover, Overdose, Mafia seems like the reasonable pattern of stuff. But wow, 5 deaths...people really have problems staying alive here. >_< The real problem with this is that you might hit a healer or a Fabre looking solely at the...
  10. Captain Sea Turtle

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    How exactly does a medic heal someone by accident? Or was that a very subtle role-claim? Seconding the motion to inspect werefish, by the way. Unless the Sniper is willing to come forward and prove something one way or the other.
  11. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [MAFIA VICTORY]

    Re: The Dreigeist Fortress Alliance Mafia Game [Day 1] At the risk of sounding overly bandwagon-y, as per usual, I have absolutely nothing helpful to say on day 1.
  12. Captain Sea Turtle

    Mental Institution Mafia

    All is not well at the Home. --------------------------- All right, here are the room assignments: Room 1: Blazie Skylark Kammington Brock blazheirio889 Worst Username Ever Room 2: Nemec demonickittens ole_schooler Blaziking Superbird Room 3: dragonair [O] werefish5 sresevoir RespectTheBlade...
  13. Captain Sea Turtle

    Mental Institution Mafia

    To answer all questions before this topic closes: -Yes, you may move or conduct your night action, not both, unless you are the Doctor with the Lantern who may move and conduct his night action (in that order, he can't inspect and then move) -Rooms are only to inspire night communication and...
  14. Captain Sea Turtle

    (DAY 1) Megaman 10 Mafia

    @ole_schooler: But if Brock was shocked and shot, he was likely Pump Man, as Nemec said, which although is a pretty bad start to the game, adjusts the odds silghtly. That leaves 3/11 for Light's Army/the unnamed bot, 2/11 for Wily/Strike Man, and 6/11 for random. Not much better, but it boosts...
  15. Captain Sea Turtle

    Mental Institution Mafia

    Mental Institution Mafia ---------------------------- Welcome to the Markus B. Zergenbaum Home for the Clinically Unstable, where the young and old who have some reason to be separated from normal society can come and live out the rest of their days in relative peace and quiet. Unfortunately...
  16. Captain Sea Turtle

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match [Day 1] Abstaining because bandwagons are fun and the first day isn't. Unless, of course, someone says something incriminating. *cue spooky music*
  17. Captain Sea Turtle

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match [Day 1] Isn't the first day of mafia the best? Either you post, and everyone hyper-analyzes what you've said and you end up getting lynched because you don't like grammar or capitalization, or you don't post and you're automatically suspect. Which is basically a longer...
  18. Captain Sea Turtle

    Megaman 10 Mafia

    Despite having never played Megaman once, this game is too awesome to pass up on. Yes.
  19. Captain Sea Turtle

    TF2 Mafia Match [CLOSED]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match Definitely in.
  20. Captain Sea Turtle

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Does stockpile cost the amount of energy indicated to stockpile, or does swallow/spit up? How much does the other one cost?
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