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Search results

  1. dark guardian

    Are you a virgin?

    why yes yes i am
  2. dark guardian

    today is......................!

    well today is the twenty ninth which means it is mewtwo and my one month anniversary yaaay
  3. dark guardian

    [Tier I] Solight City Gym

    i think i might stand a chance so are you up to it pm me when you can battle (the longer you wait the longer i have to train):sunglasses::grin::talking:
  4. dark guardian

    i am on my website

    i am on my website
  5. dark guardian


  6. dark guardian

    go to my post in the coughing cupboard

    go to my post in the coughing cupboard
  7. dark guardian

    hello are you online

    hello are you online
  8. dark guardian


  9. dark guardian

    hey are you online

    hey are you online
  10. dark guardian

    *spikes popped football*

    i always liked mewtwo aka mystari since the day i first saw her but i did not have the courage to ask her out then her friend lexi asked me if i liked mystari so i said yes then lexi said you should ask her out so i said i would and then i realized that asking her out was one of the best...
  11. dark guardian

    I see your online

    I see your online
  12. dark guardian

    Legends of the Elemental Ones

    sorry i had some trouble at first but i fixed it
  13. dark guardian


    it is diffrent
  14. dark guardian

    Legends of the Elemental Ones

    Name: Tommy Age: 13 Gender: Male Side: Elemental Element: Electric Pokémon Team: Luxray Scyther Paras Rhyperior Appearance: Personality:Crazy and funny (in a good way). Bio: Tommy use too work at the power plant which was just a distraction so he could build a full scale house in a nearby...
  15. dark guardian


    Hey guys I'm really sorry but if you could delete your current form's and fill out the modified version.:grin:
  16. dark guardian


  17. dark guardian


    heyo it's redx here i live,breathe,and sleep pokemon.i been playing pokemon since i was five and i am thirteen now.oh and my fav pokemon is mew.
  18. dark guardian


    A post apocalyptic world where all humans have died and somehow Pokemon survived. Yet the world is growing more and more uninhabitable by the day. The Pokemon must find a suitable planet to live on. Rules: No Godmodding No Weathermodding No name calling No doing anything with or to another...
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