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Search results

  1. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    Ohgod... 10 was obvious, THANK YOU Superbird, onto 11!
  2. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    I got what now?
  3. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    mORE HELP WITH 10...
  4. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    What about clue 10? And what's with the random ?
  5. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    AHHHH! CLUE 9!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    Arg, 9... BAD ... AAAAAH!
  7. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    On 8, I tried I guess this is wrong...
  8. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    Hint for 8 please?
  9. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    Well, I got and tried but no avail! EDIT: Um, never mind. no I'm on clue #6. EDIT2: Never mind again! Now #7... EDIT3: NVM for the third time...
  10. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    are annoying.
  11. Nommer of the Mew

    Trading (I need to know)

    *sob* No Mew for me, then!
  12. Nommer of the Mew

    Trading (I need to know)

    Hey thanks! But, there's no way to trade from... say, Crystal, into something like LeafGreen?
  13. Nommer of the Mew

    Hi all!

    I guess everyone likes my welcome mat. You do realize that's a photo, taken at TCoD's front door?
  14. Nommer of the Mew

    Trading (I need to know)

    What games can trade to what games? (This counts with the Pal Park too.) So far, I know: D/P/Pt-->Pearl, Platinum, Diamond, HeartGold, SoulSilver. D/P/Pt<--Pearl, Platinum, Diamond, HeartGold, SoulSilver, LeafGreen, FireRed, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald. HG/SS-->Pearl, Platinum, Diamond...
  15. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    Eh, stop taking my posts literally! I KNOW what it is, I just want to cryptize random people!
  16. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    Yeah, I know, I wasn't ASKING... And anyways it's .
  17. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    Now i has understand. And... Oh, what was that thing that in the marquee of doom?
  18. Nommer of the Mew

    Hi all!

    I'm scared and this has failed.
  19. Nommer of the Mew

    The Clue Game

    I know, I should get it, but I CAN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT #1!
  20. Nommer of the Mew

    Magikarp: the Gathering

    I'm so stupid. I don't even know where to go AFTER THE NEWEST UPDATES. Fail me. EDIT: ok, now what about ?
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