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Search results

  1. Silver_Shadow

    Open Signs

    Lyra woke to hearing sounds around her. She knew her little brothers couldn't be in her room because she always locked it at night. Her mom had a key, nut these voices were more diverse to male and female voices. She opened her eyes and saw the faint glowing of the number 13 on her right side...
  2. Silver_Shadow

    [Sign-Ups] Signs

    Sorry I took so long! Name: Lyra Davids Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: She has long, curly dirty blonde hair. Her mark is located on her lower back, towards her right side. When she went to bed she was wearing a white tanktop and green shorts. Her eyes are a green-blue color. She is...
  3. Silver_Shadow

    [Sign-Ups] Signs

    Reserve number 13 please.
  4. Silver_Shadow

    Hi! :D

    *calls Latios carrying lots of sugar and dumps them on Superbird* FEEL THE WRATH OF THE SUGAR! This will be a fun site...XD
  5. Silver_Shadow

    [SIGNUPS] Ten of Death, Ten of Life

    Name: Axion Gender: F Species: Weavile Appearance: Normal Weavile colors, but one difference, a red scar across her eye in shape of a lightning bolt. Also on the tips of her claws its black. Personality: She is very curious and can be found often with odd things. She is very fast and enjoys...
  6. Silver_Shadow

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10 I love the moving jirachi!
  7. Silver_Shadow

    Hi! :D

    I think I will! *tosses sugar at mats* This is fun! Thanks for the welcome!
  8. Silver_Shadow

    Hi! :D

    Thank you for telling me about those places! I'll go take a look at them!
  9. Silver_Shadow

    Hi! :D

    Hi! I'm Silver_Shadow! I love almost all pokemon, so I should love this site!
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