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Search results

  1. Silverstar


    Haha... uh... I think I'd be... well I've never thought about it. I think I'd be leader of Windclan... my warrior name was Silverheart. And thanks.
  2. Silverstar


    ...You're welcome. It's the least I could do... really.
  3. Silverstar


    Uh... sorry. You get a choice of four characters... (you can choose your gender) in Echoes of Time... there's Clavat, which uses Swords, Selkie, which uses Bows and Paddles... Yukes, which uses Staves, and Lilties, which uses Spears - Clavat is the most balanced... Selkie is rather defensive...
  4. Silverstar


    Yes, not as well written... but still nice to read... Warriors books are very great to read... especially if you're a cat fan. Echoes of Time... is easier than Ring of Fates... but after you've beaten the game... you can reply it at a harder mode... there is Normal, Hard and... Very Hard... I'm...
  5. Silverstar


    Yes... the Warriors series is very nice, but... in my opinion... the third and fourth series aren't as great as the first two... I'm reading Dawn and Starlight right now. You'll probably enjoy... Final Fantasy Echoes of Time... and/or Ring of Fates... they're great games, the best I've ever...
  6. Silverstar


    I told you... I'm a timid person... The Safari Zone... and Anime-Style Battling...? They sound fun... I suppose I could try them out... Memes...? And, OK... I probably will try them out. Also, you, uh, spelled "battling" wrong... The avatar... I scanned my TCG card... my only card... uh. By...
  7. Silverstar

    Stupid things you thought were true

    I once heard... that a Pokemon could learn all the "TMs"... and "HMs"... I thought it was Porygon-Z... after all it is a machine... but then I realized it was the "secret" Pokemon, Mew.
  8. Silverstar


    Uh, hi... I'm Silverstar... I'm a fan of the Warriors books... and Porygon-Z. I like to write short little poems and... I rather like music, I like instruments, and I hum a lot, so much that it sounds almost... like a real music-track... even though it's not. I only have one Pokemon game...
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