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Search results

  1. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    H-has ArtMo died? I didn't forget, I've just been busy... I've still not caught up properly, but I'm getting there. Day 9 - Problem?
  2. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    Holy moly! I'm behind, noooooo!! Day 8 - Once Upon A Time... A WARNING NOW Even though it's only light and fluffy, my Day 8 IS yaoi-related. That is, guy-on-guy. Just letting you know in case you're not a fan of the manly love.
  3. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    They're working fine now, probably just my computer. I've been having troubles recently, I thought I'd ironed them all out. I was drawing on my knees at the time, haha~ I spotted them today, but when I'd done the doodle, I'd shaded, so I didn't want to re-do them. Thanks, though! I LOVE your...
  4. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    I'm a day behind, because I went to see the new Harry Potter film today. So here's day seven; Day Seven - Breath! Also, Arylett, your links don't seem to be working for me. Are they okay for everyone else?
  5. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    Cee Lo Green is so boss!! I love your little homage to him~
  6. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    I have no idea what would classify as vector art - I've never done any. Day Six - OH GOD ZOMBIES!
  7. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    Got them, finally! > u<;; First one is actually a doodle that's been sitting in my folders for a while, waiting to be completed. I don't think I'm ever going to colour it now. Second one was done ten minutes ago. Day Four Day Five
  8. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    Haven't got my Day 4 sorted yet - I'll put two pieces up tomorrow. Just a warning - it MIGHT be a little bit Yaoi-y~ Hehe~ Commisions again, they're the only thing that I'm guaranteed to finish. On that note, anyone want me to do a commish for them for ArtMo? EDIT/ > ///////<~ Thank-you Kai, I...
  9. ninjar-pirate

    ArtMo 2010

    OH GOSH I'M ALREADY BEHIND Never mind, I caught up. <: I totally forgot that it had started. SO I've already got a few things done. <: Day One Day Two Day Three
  10. ninjar-pirate

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Oh man, I hope I stick with this too! I'm excited! Hoorayyy!! Though I know have about five different characters to draw for Christmas now, huzzah!
  11. ninjar-pirate

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Oh, I'll give ArtMo a go. However, due to stupid 'net restrictions at home (Kai knows what I mean) it may be bulk uploaded in the middle and end of the month. If none of this is sorted. Argh! I'll probably end up drawing White Cat Burglar junk. Maybe sketch out a few scenes. I've tried one of...
  12. ninjar-pirate

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Not a part of one's style, no, but having a grasp of it will allow you to create a style for yourself. That was the point I was trying to make, sorry if it wasn't clear!
  13. ninjar-pirate

    Obsessive Scribblers

    Oh man, I have no idea what my 'style' would be classed as. I agree with Pentimento, though. My chibi style tends to be big eyes, and cuteness all around, yet my regular style is... I don't know, I guess semi-realistic? I try to draw with a basic knowledge of anatomy (but sometimes that fails)...
  14. ninjar-pirate

    Obsessive Scribblers

    I definitely think I'm going to like it here!! I don't go to school anymore - I was in 6th Form, but I quit. > u<;; Nice to meet you! Yes! Megane, ftw! Thank-you! My chibi style is not as polished as my main style, so I'm still playing about with colouring styles. Aaaand I just noticed I...
  15. ninjar-pirate


    This is an intro thread. Hi. <:
  16. ninjar-pirate

    Obsessive Scribblers

    U-um.... H-hello everyone! I just joined on Kai-Lucifer's recommendation. S-so, uh... I'm ninjar-pirate/Charley/ninjar/pirate/NP/Ninpin....Well lets leave it at that, I have too many nicknames... O uO;; Um, as a reference, there's my current DA ID below... And then an actual photo for proper...
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