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Search results

  1. Starmie

    Pronoun identity

    Ha, I was actually wondering about this when I signed up. The gender field, with the "call me it!" option, was so close to being progressive, and yet stopped so clearly short that I actually found myself pausing and thinking, Why not a pronoun field? And then this gets posted several hours...
  2. Starmie

    What is your favorite Beatles song?

    I'm tempted to cite the entire Abbey Road medley, but I'll stick to my absolute favorite: "Golden Slumbers." It still tears me apart to hear it (semi-cheesy as it is), mostly because it reminds me of my favorite ex. :/
  3. Starmie

    Hi all

    A short history of Me: long, long (i.e. six years) ago I was extremely active in the online Pokécommunity, particularly the realm of fan fiction, though I dabbled in spriting and competitive battling as well. I was even, at one time, somewhat-friendly acquaintances with Dragonfree herself...
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