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Search results

  1. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Streets Run Red

    ((Hooo boy...I am SO lost.))
  2. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Streets Run Red

    "Iris, at the ready." Tigress commanded. A sharp, almost earsplitting buzz echoed from the Volcarona as she fluttered forward. The bug's eerie blue eyes were set on the Zangoose, Claymore, for some odd reason, her wings shedding coal hot scales underneath her hovering body. "Be ready to react...
  3. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Streets Run Red

    "Somehow I'm not surprised the great 'Nevermore' looks like a girl..." Tigress chuckled, "Ain't that right, Iris?" She asked the Volcarona floating around her head. Iris let off a buzz of agreement. "I mean really, you'd have to be at least a bit girly to have an alias like 'Nevermore'," She...
  4. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    The Shattered Kingdom (The RP)

    (Thanks...) Eva turned to everyone else, "Anyone looking for refuge can follow. I'm going north as well." With that said, she bounded after Mailynn, using the shadows as a quick re-energizer when she got tired. Beside them, the sun was slowly setting.
  5. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Streets Run Red

    "Argh...my ears are bleeding.." Tigress groaned. Iris hovered around her head like a satellite, make concerned buzzing noises. "I'm fine Iris...let's go force those fools to end this idiocy!" She cried, grabbing her icon's pokeball and returning her, before following Gears with a sense of...
  6. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Streets Run Red

    Tigress looked at Yuri, or rather, Gears. "I wouldn't be surprised if Ace was right," She said, as one of the balls at her waist opened to reveal her 'icon' pokemon, Iris. The moth fluttered around the girl's head, as she reached into her coat, fiddling with an orange and black keychain of a...
  7. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Streets Run Red

    Nessiah Mantarov, or as she was known when the sun hit it's lowest point, Tigress, studied the gothic script almost emotionlessly. She shook her head, the platinum chain that dangled from her choker following her movements. "Morons." She stated, "The whole lot of them." Of course, that was...
  8. Sweet Silver Nightmare


    CelestialClan? LegendaryClan is good too it just doesn't flow very well.
  9. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Glace vs Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Use Morning Sun, then Bug Buzz for the next two actions. If Good Sir tries to put you to sleep again, Protect. Morning Sun/Protect ~ Bug Buzz/Protect ~ Bug Buzz/Protect
  10. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Luzetta sat on a cliff that overlooked a large lake. Her tails drooped behind her, and her small, pointed, fox-like ears drooped slightly to the sides. She unclasped the gold clip from her cloak, and threw the glittering trinket into the lake. It landed with the tiniest splash, and sank into the...
  11. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Fine. If you want to die, die." Luzetta murmured, "Just remember when you lay there dying, I told you we care about you. We'll all miss you." With that said, she turned and disappeared. "Nice going, blady boy." Abyss stated with a sigh, "Now she'll be sulking for the rest of the night." He...
  12. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Blade, you've been a friend to me for a long time! Maybe not since we were both born, but at least for the 6 years I've been a Xana." Luzetta said, tears in her eyes, "I don't CARE if you killed me, just like I don't care about Abyss' attitude towards others! We all have our problems! I'm...
  13. Sweet Silver Nightmare


    It doesn't look like we're gonna get many more applications.
  14. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "Abyss..." Luzetta flinched watching the two argue back and forth, "Please...both of you...stop fighting..." She whispered, tears dripping from her blue eyes. Abyss didn't hear her. The dark morph snarled, his views were being challenged now, "I see how it is Gallade. You despise me. You...
  15. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "I haven't had parents since I was 3. They were killed by a human criminal when I was too young to understand." Abyss rolled his eyes, "I was juggled through foster homes until I was 5, then I ran away. I lived on the streets since." "Besides. What do you know about me?!?" He snarled, steadily...
  16. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "So...I did die?" Luzetta asked, not knowing that Abyss was silently stewing his anger at the Gallade morph for leaving her alone in the first place. "You fool! Were you too caught up in your crush on Dalilah to realize that Luzetta doesn't work well alone!?" Abyss snarled, his eyes seeming to...
  17. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    Abyss looked upon the scene with no emotion, his eyes sweeping over the bodies of the dead guards, grunts and the executive who was alarmingly close to an unconcious Luzetta. Beside her was Blade, who, at first, didn't seem to be breathing. Abyss didn't care for the Gallade morph, so his eyes...
  18. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "...Yes. Please do, Dalilah." Abyss responded, stepping on behind the Zoroark morph.
  19. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    'm sitting here talking to my family.

    'm sitting here talking to my family.
  20. Sweet Silver Nightmare

    Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

    "...Why did he send us...if he already had operatives here...?" He asked softly, though he didn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular. Then his eyes widened, "Hey, Gallade. Where's Luzetta?" He asked, staring straight at Blade's hiding spot, though not knowing he was actually there. He...
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