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Search results

  1. Orahklas

    Hi! How are you?

    Hi! How are you?
  2. Orahklas

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Has a Siamese twin who is a dolphin and who is constantly baking pies to cover up his fishy breath. ~Oh~
  3. Orahklas

    Pokemon Name Game III

  4. Orahklas

    Awesome ^_^ Happen to know an amused potatoes?

    Awesome ^_^ Happen to know an amused potatoes?
  5. Orahklas

    Stupid things you thought were true

    When I first encountered a Dunsparce I refused to believe a pokemon this awful could exist and so spent a considerable amount of time furiously trying any and every method to evolve them damned thing. Consequently I am the proud owner of a level 100 Dunsparce proudly named 'TotalArse' . . . I...
  6. Orahklas

    Characterize Yourself As a Trainer

    Before I actually start a new game I also pre-plan an amazing team I would use, but come actually playing the game I end up using the first couple of pokemon I caught because I grow madly attached to them and feel guilty if the faint. Before Gen V I would always, always have a crobat in my team...
  7. Orahklas

    ATTN: Introductions

    Since this is the introductions I'll go ahead and introduce myself, I am Orahklas if you have yet to tell. I enjoy pokemon, though I have yet to fully immerse myself and I don't classify myself as a strong battler, I enjoy the occasional novel and meeting with friends. I'm currently studying at...
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