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Search results

  1. FourCartridge

    Favourite made-up words

    I vividly remember a chat session I had where we made up words that rhyme with boobies. My favorites included Gloobies, Poobies, and Loobies.
  2. FourCartridge

    'Tis a Shiny!

    I personally never really saw a shiny in any of my Pokemon games. You guys are lucky...
  3. FourCartridge

    It's the Legendary Festival!

    OK, say you were put in charge of a festival about the various Legendary Pokemon. What events would you have planned to have for a certain legendary, such as a play for the three dogs, an opera for Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno, and something like one of those Chinese New Year celebrations for...
  4. FourCartridge

    Hello there, I guess.

    Murkrow. That morbid sense of humor part is kinda right once I thought about it.
  5. FourCartridge

    Hello there, I guess.

    I'm fourcartridge. I stumbled upon this site in the personality test, explored it a bit, found this section, and figured why not join. So, Hi? Well, I'm a small fan of Pokemon, but a loyal one
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