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Search results

  1. Kyukon Ninetales

    My Fire PO team...

    Kyukon, I reside in the Reborn Server. Dont mention that I told you I'm a leader. The commishiner might chew my head off >><<
  2. Kyukon Ninetales

    My Fire PO team...

    Yes, I see your point. Those move on the Blaziken are mainly dictated by what everyone else on the server uses. T-Tars are heavily abused. But I like the Flare Blitz in sun, catch those danged Skarmoy off guard with a possible OHKO from a physical attack! Hopefully, all of this help will win...
  3. Kyukon Ninetales

    My Fire PO team...

    @Lirris Hmmm... Maybe you over looked a few things? First, Id like to point out the Charizard. Solar Power+ Choice specs... With that build of charizard, the SP ATT is over 700. Combine that with STAB on Heat Wave or Air Slash... Also, Typhlosion. If you have something that knows Eruption, Then...
  4. Kyukon Ninetales

    My Fire PO team...

    I'm not the best. and never will be. But this is my Fire team which actually scored me a Gym Leader spot in a small league in a PO server. Mostly this is a triples team. (And I'm aware of some of my pokemon might be banned due to ability, move, etc. from major servers such as Smogon. I pay no...
  5. Kyukon Ninetales


    Good day, I am a major pokemon freak, and let me say, I found this site and read through some ot the pages and I liked what I saw. I am a huge pokemon player on a battle simulator client that I participate in, and I have a very good about most pokemon and moves, yadda yadda yadda. (I dont know...
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