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Search results

  1. Ulqi-chan

    The "Fwee" Thread

    a smol fwee from me - it's nice knowing this forum is still around after so many years. i find myself going through old posts of mine and reminiscing and cringing (a lot of cringing) at my old shenanigans, and idk how i would've turned out without it! maybe i would've been a chad in another...
  2. Ulqi-chan

    psssst hey

    psssst hey
  3. Ulqi-chan

    thank you! :>

    thank you! :>
  4. Ulqi-chan

    ugggggh my bad. i'm over first-week school stuff now so i should be better at responding from...

    ugggggh my bad. i'm over first-week school stuff now so i should be better at responding from now on. :>
  5. Ulqi-chan

    DarkAura vs Ulqi-chan

    i'm sorry, guys, school and band just hit all at once but i don't plan on doing this again (which i say tentatively but hey i'm gonna try ;-;) ummmm i don't have much time to make a master plan so just spam shadow ball or use growth if you can't reach her or she's protecting. shadow...
  6. Ulqi-chan

    ASB 6-Month Anniversary Promo!

    i'd like an egg pleaseee :>
  7. Ulqi-chan

    DarkAura vs Ulqi-chan

    ugggggh my b guys i had band camp this week and got to yell at freshmen so i went power-hungry i guess and forgot about other stuff idek Let's first Protect against that Fake Out! It appears Espurr Roba's also trying to get a bit smooth with us, but two can play at that game... Follow up with a...
  8. Ulqi-chan

    Ulqi-chan vs Zexion

    hey heeeeeey i did a thing Okay, so! He'll get over his confusion soon and I don't believe he's gonna be happy, so maybe we ought to try and paralyze him? Use Thunder Wave first. Let's try and follow that up with a good ol' Psychic. Then another Thunderbolt should do it. If for any reason he's...
  9. Ulqi-chan

    DarkAura vs Ulqi-chan

    oh wow i got surprisingly busy in the last few days and forgot about this I'll start out with Dennis!
  10. Ulqi-chan

    Ulqi-chan vs Zexion

    Okay, Kurt, let's show them what your made of, which surprisingly isn't all grunge! Don't give me that look, either, I get you're bored or whatever but we gotta be a team here. >:T Well, I guess since Meadowhawk is so fast we'll just have to take that first Bug Buzz--not to worry, though...
  11. Ulqi-chan

    Ulqi-chan vs Zexion

    wooooo first battle I'll start this out with Kurt. and i guess i could make extremely clever nirvana references the whole time but eh i am not that creative sometimes
  12. Ulqi-chan

    Challenge Board

    lordy loo another free battle for someone accepted though :>
  13. Ulqi-chan

    Challenge Board

    here's a free win against a noob with a team full of pokes with horrible band puns as names Format: 2vs2 Style: Set DQ: 1 week Damage Cap: 35% Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, direct healing, perish song Arena Description: A nondescript, plain stretch of grassland. It has a few wild flowers here...
  14. Ulqi-chan

    Ha ha, yeaaaaah. See, I knew you'd be on at around 12 am in my time, and I wanted to catch you...

    Ha ha, yeaaaaah. See, I knew you'd be on at around 12 am in my time, and I wanted to catch you before I went to sleep for good, so my reasoning was to just sleep a little and have enough energy when you got on to stay awake. It worked very slightly. I stayed up for like five minutes, as we can see.
  15. Ulqi-chan

    Or rather a good night. Woops. I kind of fell asleep for a little bit so I'm a bit froggy. So I...

    Or rather a good night. Woops. I kind of fell asleep for a little bit so I'm a bit froggy. So I might be a bit incoherent but ehhh.
  16. Ulqi-chan

    It is a good day now that you have returned. Mmmmhmm.

    It is a good day now that you have returned. Mmmmhmm.
  17. Ulqi-chan

    :DDDDDDDD psst hey

    :DDDDDDDD psst hey
  18. Ulqi-chan

    We should Skype sometime Communicate Ya feel me

    We should Skype sometime Communicate Ya feel me
  19. Ulqi-chan

    Hey I don't know the college life But I feel you If you ever need a come to Jesus session with...

    Hey I don't know the college life But I feel you If you ever need a come to Jesus session with me so we can feel things out or whatever I am kind of floating around Somewhat Not really but whatever
  20. Ulqi-chan

    Hey Psssst You still here

    Hey Psssst You still here
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