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Search results

  1. The Fame Monster


    Hey there! My name is Hannah and I joined recently too. Nice to meet you + hope you enjoy your time here!
  2. The Fame Monster

    Which layout do you use?

    I tend to change it every so often, but right now, it's Torkoal
  3. The Fame Monster

    Suicide Game! =D

    The Moves Like Jagger gets stuck in my head for the rest of my day causing me to kill myself. I drop a Rubix Cube.
  4. The Fame Monster

    Rate my site please? :\

    I think you need to work on your grammar. There are a lot of sentences that end with question marks, but should end with periods; plus other typos scattered about. Like everyone else said, the crossed off links = huge no. The links at the top are pointless, and the headers on your layout are a...
  5. The Fame Monster

    hi c:

    Thanks for making me feel welcome, everyone! <3
  6. The Fame Monster

    Would it be wierd looking to make a Pokemon movie in real-life?

    Hmm, this got me thinking. It seems like a stupid concept at first but with enough time and effort, it would look cool, I feel. I would love to see what Oshawott would look like, but that's just me. :p
  7. The Fame Monster

    What national holiday is on your birthday?

    Gunpowder Day. Okay then...
  8. The Fame Monster

    hi c:

    Hey c: My name is Hannah and a friend of mine recommended I join this forum. You all seem very nice and I know I'll enjoy my time here! ^^ A bit about myself is that I love music (totally obsessed with Green Day and Lady Gaga) and I also love photography. And Pokemon, of course. I hope I get...
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