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  1. AwesomeMcCoolname

    Implyin I'm a trowll....

    Implyin I'm a trowll....
  2. AwesomeMcCoolname

    Why are almost all of TCOD liberal socialist atheists? (serious thread this time)

    Pfft, I'm not a liberal, a socialist, or an atheist.
  3. AwesomeMcCoolname

    One does not simply take the Hobbits to Isenguard! /trollfacei'mback

    One does not simply take the Hobbits to Isenguard! /trollfacei'mback
  4. AwesomeMcCoolname


    Hi. Welcome to TCoD.
  5. AwesomeMcCoolname

    Oh, thanks.

    Oh, thanks.
  6. AwesomeMcCoolname

    Lol, I'm not really 109. I'm 13 just in case you didn't know.

    Lol, I'm not really 109. I'm 13 just in case you didn't know.
  7. AwesomeMcCoolname

    Mass Effect fan? Me too.

    Mass Effect fan? Me too.
  8. AwesomeMcCoolname

    I'm Jeff! :(

    I'm Jeff! :(
  9. AwesomeMcCoolname

    O.o. If you happen to notice that your most recent post on BG is gone, don't kill me, because I...

    O.o. If you happen to notice that your most recent post on BG is gone, don't kill me, because I accidentally hit the edit button instead of the quote button, and I ended up writing over your post. I forgot what you put, and didn't want to make you look stupid, so I just deleted it! O_O
  10. AwesomeMcCoolname


    Well, what can I say.....I'm just a 13 year old who likes talking about politics. I'm pretty lax for the most part but if you try to argue with me or troll me, you'll be met with..... extreme force. I enjoy debating and sometimes I can be a jerk, but don't take a lot of what I say personally.
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