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Search results

  1. porphyrogenita

    FUCK SOPA & PIPA! (Say goodbye to Freedom of Speech, guys!)

    Thing with ACTA is that I never see brought up anywhere is that NZ basically already has a smaller version of it in effect, or at least the aspects that pertain to filesharing are. Back in November it got passed quickly using the Christchurch eathquakes as a reason to speed up the process and...
  2. porphyrogenita

    Meaning behind your Username and/or Usertitle

    Porphyrogenita is a title that was given to Byzantine Empresses if they were born in a special purple room. It literally means "Born in the [tyrian] purple" and I thought itd be a nice name for a Feferi RP account on LJ and I never got around to actually RPing but I liked the name so.
  3. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    Unfortunately during my internet travels away from this place I happened upon a spring of youth and now age backwards, im actually 8 years old now. ~*~*~*forum baby*~*~*~ (but hey mate gosh ok this takes me back to like MSN chats back when people still used MSN and the IRC a bit too? is the...
  4. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    No clue, haven't poked around there yet! Mostly just refreshing this thread and the Homestuck thread like a narcissist fangirl or something. also if it is it is liberating to hear that other people are living out the days of getting too much emotions over edited pixels the way most of us (? me...
  5. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    yes thats me yes i was and sprites were THE MOST SERIOUS THING GRR UR SPRITING WRONG GRR GARRR BLOR!!!!!!!
  6. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    oh my god no why Guys never go on the internet and discover things you did when you were like 9. jesus
  7. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    I was PichuK, no idea if that still rings any bells or not.
  8. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    yeah that basically sums it up
  9. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    No it wasn't him, it was like... maybe Furret or something? I honestly can't remember their username. They were pretty notorious iirc. Though Nidoking was also banned and unbanned and modded lmao.
  10. porphyrogenita

    You know you've been at TCoD too long when

    Dang it is such a trip to come back and poke around on here after 3 or 4 years of forgetting about it. Just to see all the old people still around and looking back on some things and realising how much of a horrible immature little shit I was lmao. God it's so weird to remember things like...
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