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Search results

  1. Aerbrodactyl

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    Like a boot, but with holes in it...and the laces are its arms. Chewing gum! I don't think ditto counts. I've not read all 17 pages, but a saber-tooth tiger! I agree with Surfing Pikachu on the Narwhal thing...but not that Dewgong is anything near a Narwhal...at all. Dewgong is a Manatee...or a...
  2. Aerbrodactyl

    What part of the franchise are you interested in?

    The parts of the fandom I'm interested in are: ASB TCG - Although I'm terrible. Competitive Battling - See above. The Manga - Although I don't like the DPPt ones. The Black/White Adventures one seems promising. Occasionally the fanfics and the RPs, but good and coherent ones come once in a blue...
  3. Aerbrodactyl

    Yo or something

    Hey, I'm Aerbrodactyl. I'm new here. You may know me from other forums like PB, where I was Aerbrodactyl, or Pokésun, where I was Aerbrodactyl. Contrary to popular belief, I am not, in fact, an Aerodactyl. I am just a bro.
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