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Search results

  1. S

    In Progress Requiem

    CHAPTER 7 AFTERMATH Dorian inhaled deeply, trying to calm down his swiftly beating heart. He looked around, taking an inventory of his group that was scattered around the crater. Growlithe was sitting a few feet to his left, licking Shelton’s face in an effort to wake her. Nuzleaf and Shuppet...
  2. S

    In Progress Requiem

    Chapter 6 Effect Nuzleaf was running as fast as his body would allow, calling on reserves of energy in his belly to pump his legs faster. He had seen the wall collapse on his friends, Golduck trying to hold it back before he was overcome. What Nuzleaf noticed as Machop was pulled under the...
  3. S

    Hello all

    I was drawn to this site by the link in a dew people's digs on serebii. I came here to post my fic because I would like feedback on areas that I need improvement. •waves•
  4. S

    In Progress Requiem

    CHAPTER 5 Cause The match was going badly for both contestants. The Beedrill was swift, zooming from right to left, anticipating the next attack. Scorch marks traced a line from its left side up to its twitching antenna, the wounds cracking audibly as it moved. Growlithe had not fared much...
  5. S

    In Progress Requiem

    Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. I actually have ten chapters posted on another forum, so I'll be updating this pretty rapidly until I'm caught up here too. And if you like it so far, you'll like what's coming next. I've had alot of fun writing it ;)
  6. S

    In Progress Requiem

    Chapter 4 “Trapinch, dodge!” Dorian yelled, sensing the water attack that was about to befall his Pokemon. His intuition proved to be correct. Less than a second later, a torrent of water was expelled from the mouth of the Marshtomp that he and Trapinch were in the process of battling. “Ap!”...
  7. S

    In Progress Requiem

    Chapter 3 Dorian burst through the front door with a rabid ferocity that made Shelton think he had recently adopted the mind of a crazed Mightyena. The speed in which he rushed through the kitchen, throwing fruit, nuts, bread, and bottles of water into their two packs was wonderful and...
  8. S

    In Progress Requiem

    CHAPTER 2 The stone gave Dorian an odd sensation, like cold heat, but not on his skin. Rather, it was like he had swallowed the stone and whatever kind of feeling it was giving him was coming from his inside and radiating outwards. Shrugging, he tucked the foot long, macabre stone in his back...
  9. S

    In Progress Requiem

    Chapter 1 Twenty nine years later It was only because of the Pokeflect around his wrist that Dorian wasn’t roasted alive by the flamethrower attack the enraged Growlithe had just launched at him. While still experimental, the ‘Pokeflect’ had saved many from grievous injuries sometimes...
  10. S

    In Progress Requiem

    First shot at a Fic. I'm hoping for any sort of a review that would help me refine my writing. I have a few chapters written and I'm really wanting some hard and honest feedback. Will rate the Fic (PG-13) for random violent battles and occasional swearing. The beginning starts off a bit slow...
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