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Search results

  1. Aristicus

    Sorry this is so late! Anyway, thanks for birthday wishes! I haven't been active in a while, so...

    Sorry this is so late! Anyway, thanks for birthday wishes! I haven't been active in a while, so I'm sorry for not responding!
  2. Aristicus

    Yes! I absolutely (no pun intended) love Absol!

    Yes! I absolutely (no pun intended) love Absol!
  3. Aristicus

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    You were the first person to ever talk to me on the forum, if I remember correctly. And that ghost...
  4. Aristicus


    Punch-Out!! is one of my favorite games of all time. The boxers have so many amazing personalities, and it takes stereotypes to a whole new level. In fact, Piston Hondo just shows that Japan can be stereotypical to themselves. Anyway, back to my love for the game. It's so awesome! I don't even...
  5. Aristicus

    Your Personal Notepad

    Man, I'm so freaking pissed! Why are some of the people on Nuzlocke Forums such jerks? Freaking tits....I hate how some people can be...I'm off of there now. Least these people are nice enough to talk to! I'm sick of the Nuzlocke Forums, so I'm just going to leave if those people can't respect...
  6. Aristicus

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    Yami is the final boss in Okami. I freaking loved that game! And angels are cool!
  7. Aristicus

    Rate the Signature above you!

    I see Absol 10/10
  8. Aristicus

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    That's a nice team you got there, especially Houndoom. I always have to say nice stuff about you, so you must be pretty awesome. And you post A LOT in this thread, so you're a nice person!
  9. Aristicus

    The Three Word Story Game

    So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they...
  10. Aristicus

    King of the Hill

    I summon a pack of wolves to destroy you. The hill is ours! (Mine and the wolves')OUR HILL!
  11. Aristicus

    The Three Word Story Game

    So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they...
  12. Aristicus

    Favorite Quotes

    Quite a few: Red: ... Clair: No, it has nothing to do with my breath. (I say this one because when I first read it, in my head I accidentally said "No, it has nothing to do with me breasts") Anything that Rocket dude said in GSCHGSS and whatever he says in BW. Um...I can't remember...I'll...
  13. Aristicus

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10 Is that Bakura? Dude, I loved him in Yugi-Oh!. But...why is he eating steak?
  14. Aristicus

    [B/W] RMT NU,RU,UU Tier.

    Oh gods...I forgot them. Sigh, I'll go look them up later. I don't mean that I forgot to add them. I mean I forgot what I had EVs in.
  15. Aristicus

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: What Games Are You Playing? (Redux) I'm playing Fight with the Forums to Stay online. It's hard because this game has so many players... (really, I'm just getting an error message saying the server is too busy and to try again later)
  16. Aristicus

    The Three Word Story Game

    So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they...
  17. Aristicus

    [B/W] RMT NU,RU,UU Tier.

    *facepalm* I forgot Blissey was OU. And I don't know where I was going with Gardevoir, I was just planning to use Trick to force the opponent into a single move, then switch into something. I don't normally use my Blissey unless I'm in a Double, Triple, or Launcher Battle. So I will admit...
  18. Aristicus

    The Three Word Story Game

    So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they...
  19. Aristicus

    [B/W] RMT NU,RU,UU Tier.

    So, I'm trying my hand at competitive battling. And I want to see what you guys think of this team: Lead: Absol Female Nature: Adamant Ability: Super Luck Item: Life Orb -Sucker Punch -Pursuit -Superpower -Night Slash 2nd Lead: Porygon2 Genderless Nature: Modest Ability: Download Item...
  20. Aristicus

    What Pokemon type of Gym Leader/Elite 4 member would you be? *Quiz*

    Okay Absurd! I'll fix it! And I'll add a rematch team!
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