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Search results

  1. S

    Child Discipline

    Now, I might have some old school views on this, but I do believe spanking your children is a positive thing. I was personally smacked as a child, and the big thing that it hammered home was not the difference between right and wrong, but respect. I learned to respect the authority of my...
  2. S

    2012 US Presidential Election

    The sad part is that Romney's politics are irrelevant, seeing as how he's a complete dumbass. That being said, I'm not a big fan of the Republican view of encouraging large businesses with minimal government, but that's probably just from me being raised in a middle class family. Furthermore...
  3. S

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Haha, my only solid pairing in Homestuck is Rosemary, because Hussie's finally made it sort of canon.
  4. S

    Pleased to meet ya.

    Evening all, name's Seven Syngeries, you can call me Seven or SS or whatever, it's all good. I'm a big fan of Pokemon, Homestuck, anime, video games, all those shenanigans. Home to chill out around here for a while.
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