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Search results

  1. BlackSheep

    Requests Open Dragons Den Sprite Shop

    No, it's awesome, thank you! And you don't mind me using it as my avatar?
  2. BlackSheep

    Open The Power of Six

    Alessa sat at her usual corner table in the Saffron City Cafe, staring at her hands as she waited for her usual order to be brought to the table. Not much was going through her head, except perhaps the thought of how sick she was of eating the same salad, and yet still managing to order it every...
  3. BlackSheep

    Music Shuffle Game

    1.) Describe your first date: Eyes Wide Open (Well... I'd hope so...) 2.) Describe your personal religion: 'Cause You Can (Makes sense if you think about it) 3.) What you think of your current hometown: Fixing A Hole (It is a hole, but I'm in no way trying to fix it) 4.) What you feel guilty...
  4. BlackSheep


    Sounds like I'm going to have quite a bit of fun here. ...just keep the bronies away from me. -_-;
  5. BlackSheep

    [Sign-Ups] Power of Six

    Might I join? Or is it too late? Name: Alessa Basic Overview: A short girl of seventeen, she has long, naturally white-blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She likes to dress femininely yet simply, wearing mostly various plain pastel dresses and her favorite boots. She's very quiet and soft...
  6. BlackSheep

    Requests Open Dragons Den Sprite Shop

    Can you retype Mareep to Dark, please? I'll probably use it as my avatar for the time being, if you don't mind. :D
  7. BlackSheep


    Hi everyone! So I'm not really new to the scene, I was a member here a long time ago and I decided, I guess out of pure boredom, to revisit and give this place another try. I like music and writing (I've done some fanfiction in my day), I've attempted sprite work, and I've dabbled a little...
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