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Search results

  1. Edoc'sil

    I'm not much of a programmer or spriter, so you can cut me out of the physical making of the...

    I'm not much of a programmer or spriter, so you can cut me out of the physical making of the game. I'm good for ideas and beta testing.
  2. Edoc'sil

    You're Banned

    Banned for having Kirby .gifs in your signature.
  3. Edoc'sil

    Sure. I'd love to help. How can I be of service?

    Sure. I'd love to help. How can I be of service?
  4. Edoc'sil

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? In case you don't know and would like to find out... http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~msandbot/pokemon/ For me it's 1) Gengar 2) Darkrai 3) Scizor 4) Milotic 5) Haxorus 6) Volcarona Electivire, Magmortar, Raichu, Flygon, Cardaunt, and Rhydon are also great.
  5. Edoc'sil

    Problems with America

    It was a loooong day and my brain was fried. Sorry for the shortsighted post.
  6. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    8/10 While I don't particularly like Farfetch'd, it's nice to see people giving love to the less-liked Pokemon. For me, it's Hypno.
  7. Edoc'sil

    Problems with America

    Correct; I was waiting for someone to point out that people just think that because they're loudest and get the most media time. You get a cookie for finding the stereotype. Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, or sugar?
  8. Edoc'sil

    Hello Dragonfly Cave

    Hello, Sunny! I hope you enjoy your stay. I also started on Gen III (Sapphire, to be specific).
  9. Edoc'sil

    Problems with America

    Going to have to point to the deep south on those three counts, mostly. Biggest 'guns for everyone', 'gays are wrong and evil', and 'teach creationism in schools' supporters. Although, depending on your point of view, the guns thing might not be a bad thing. It just so happens that I think that...
  10. Edoc'sil

    Problems with America

    Separation of church and state is another; it used to be that you had to prove that you were more loyal to the country than to your church. It's largely the opposite now.
  11. Edoc'sil

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I just started Darksiders, and XCOM: Enemy Unknown is up next.
  12. Edoc'sil

    Rate the Signature above you!

    10/10 for the name 'Red Jumpsuit Apparatus' alone.
  13. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    8.5/10 for cuteness factor.
  14. Edoc'sil

    Rate the User Title above you!

    10/10 for exactly the same reason as Mr.Savol.
  15. Edoc'sil

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    You're one on the nicest people I know, partly because you're very sincere about what you say.
  16. Edoc'sil

    The Son of the Pokemon Strategy Game

    Marowak w/ Battle Armor used Bone Rush!
  17. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    10/10 In all good conscience, I can't give anything less to Gengar.
  18. Edoc'sil

    I must say that I adore your avatar.

    I must say that I adore your avatar.
  19. Edoc'sil

    Rate the User Title above you!

    10/10 Devil May Cry, I presume?
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