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Search results

  1. D

    Frozen Supremacy

    http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8989089/6/Troubled-Trainer-Frozen-Supremacy NEW chapter is out. Enjoy everyone. :P
  2. D

    Frozen Supremacy

    Hello everyone. If you've read or even if you haven't and fancy reading now I'd love to hear what you think. I'm currently writing the 6th chapter and would like to know how the story is going and if people are interested in reading more. Thanks and enjoy. :)
  3. D

    Frozen Supremacy

    Troubled Trainer: Frozen Supremacy Chapter 1 It is a warm summer's afternoon and I am sitting crossed legged in my room watching a news special on the infamous Red Gyarados. A cool, welcome breeze circles the room emanating from my open window, causing my bulbasaur drapes to flap against the...
  4. D

    Frozen Supremacy

    Hey, I thought I'd post the 1st chapter on here for people to read and if you'd like to continue with the story you can click the link. :). Enjoy the taster everyone.
  5. D

    Frozen Supremacy

    My apologies. I'll pay better attention in the future. Thanks for moving it. Sorry again. :)
  6. D

    Hello board.

    Hi all. I am new to this site and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm DaveyBouge and I have been playing Pokémon since blue/red. Love it. I have also recently taken up writing a fan fiction novel set in Sinnoh. I haven't done any writing to this length before, but I am really enjoying it. I hope...
  7. D

    Frozen Supremacy

    Hello to all! I am currently writing a Pokemon fanfic and looking to get some readers. I have completed up to and including chapter 4. It is called Frozen Supremacy and is about a trainers adventures in Sinnoh. Linda's life is snapped out of its monotony after a chance encounter with a strange...
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