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Search results

  1. Foursides

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Just hatched a Shiny Sunkern while just hatching one for a random 'mon to trade with a friend since she was giving away some of her own. Like really. My brain exploded.
  2. Foursides

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Been feeling something about a friend of mine, but I didn't know how to say it and I've been scared, but today I learned she feels the same way. And I'm so happy and relieved. Since we've become friends because of the internet, we can't exactly meet for a year or two, but God. I feel so much...
  3. Foursides

    The "Fwee" Thread

    EarthBound All my time has been sucked into it, now being doubled even because I can play it on the Wii U's Gasmepad when TV is being used. So much... SO, SO much... Which is all worth it!
  4. Foursides

    The "Fwee" Thread

    The fact that Microsoft word keeps unsaved data if the computer shuts diwn Yes. So happy
  5. Foursides

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Scored a new FF7 and a $8 MGS. Woot
  6. Foursides

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Getting to go to a one-off game store tomorrow. Which is sweet, because it means they have awesome old and new games, and consoles :D
  7. Foursides

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Just got Final Fantasy IX at a Flea Market, all four discs in great shape for $20. (It's average $15 new on Amazon Plus Shipping charges, and a wait. Haha.)
  8. Foursides

    New here- But not the Internet.

    DA, yes, most indubiously. The Sean who always uses the name Sean. Yeah. Fancy meeting you here! Ah, I don't know what YW forums are, sorry. But pleasure to meet you, Phantom (And I love your avatr/sig set!) I suppose I don't know the requirments to get your aname in Elvish- But apparently I...
  9. Foursides

    New here- But not the Internet.

    Ah, well thank you both kindly for welcoming me ^^ Hah, it's ironic that as soon as I woke up today (Since by friend stayed for the night, and woke up before me- Watching TV) I instantly saw the Ring fall into the Volcano in Return of the King... (Also Erurainon seems like a pretty nifty name...
  10. Foursides

    New here- But not the Internet.

    I suppose the title summarizes this intro. (Which I sincerely promise you- I will suck at writing) But uhh- Hey! My name is Sean- And I decided to join here- Because well- I've heard about this place a bit, and I've read a lot of stuff on the subsections on the main page, and considering how...
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