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Search results

  1. Your BFF Jill

    Rules of Good Roleplay Etiquette [7/19/08]

    Yeah, we did. I'm done being irritated though. For now.
  2. Your BFF Jill

    Rules of Good Roleplay Etiquette [7/19/08]

    Excuse me? I don't try to be bite-head-offish. I am a bit more blunt. Excuse me if I get a bit irritated by people. God. People hold things against me because I ask one simple question. -_-
  3. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    (... I don't want to come off as a brat, so I'm not even going to say anything in reply to that! :D It was a simple question. It wasn't meant to be offensive or anything. Aren't we hypersensitive?)
  4. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    (I'm not being bitter. It was a simple question. -_- )
  5. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    Delilah smirked, happy about the idea of a fight. But soon, the diseased were showing up all over the place. She quickly assessed the situation. It seemed that Bloodclaw and Erindor were taking care of the leader of the diseased, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn't help Marcus with the...
  6. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    "What's the point in waiting?" Delilah asked roughly. "They're obviously going to attack us, and we know that now, so what are we waiting around for? Let's gather up everyone and go fight! I'd much rather do that then sit around here and wait for them to kill me. I don't know about you."
  7. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    "Hello," was all Delilah said before sitting down. Her eyes were ablaze, as always, and she watched the three closely. She wondered what their plans were today, and hoped that Erindor had an effective battle plan. As always, despite her age, she would demand to get put among the ranks. She was...
  8. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    Delilah quietly walked with Marcus, trying to keep up with his long strides using several of her own quick, short ones. She didn't like being alone during the day, as she knew that if the diseased were to attack, she couldn't fight them off on her own. Marcus' presence gave her an odd feeling...
  9. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    Delilah awoke and exited her den with an angry stride. It was never too early to be ticked off, in her book. She saw Marcus exit his den and wondered if she should try talking to him or walk past him in a snobbish way. After a few minutes, she decided it was best to try talking to him. After...
  10. Your BFF Jill

    Open An Influx of Evil

    Name: Delilah Species: Delcatty Gender: Female Age: 15 Diseased: No Background: Delilah grew up in a world where the disease was running rampant. She stayed with her parents, running away from anyone and everyone who had the disease. Everything she knew about fighting, she learned from her...
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