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Search results

  1. Kenesu

    Kenesu's random drawings and other art

    I get tired realy easy so i make and create stuff using a pencil pen or the art pad on the computer. Artwork 1 Artwork 2 Artwork 3 Artwork 4 i'd love some sudgestions please. i do not do pokemon other than pikachu, pichu, jigglypuff, Apom, and spinda This is not a morphing studio or spriting...
  2. Kenesu

    [img]Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! Get your own at Pokeplushies! [img] Click here to feed...

    [img]Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! Get your own at Pokeplushies! [img] Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! Get your own at Pokeplushies!
  3. Kenesu

    fun job. and its all mine!

    oh then my father would a made 500. he made some girl wet herself while waiting.
  4. Kenesu

    fun job. and its all mine!

    I got a job at the local amusement park for there scarefest. Ill be in a new maze poping out of a wall trying to scare people. Also ill be payed 9 bucks an hour. being payed to scare what a fun job. :grin:
  5. Kenesu


    hello my name is Kenesu. I have heared a bit of your site while scouting the internet for pokrmon forums. well i hope i enjoy my time here and I also hope you enjoy what i have instore for this forum. ~Kenesu PS: please dont call me ken or kenny.
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