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Search results

  1. shadowpulse

    my profile is broken

    hello i was wonder if anyone know why when i upload a pic for my avitar it gets loaded but doesnt show up when i post and i changed my user title thing from egg to roan and that doenst show either can someone explain why this isnt working? its really annoying ok well never min d i just need to...
  2. shadowpulse

    Blu's Sprite Circus! Again!

    not too shabby dude if you tell me how to post pics ill show you some of mine my avi is one of my more simplistic ones
  3. shadowpulse

    ummm.......hi people

    Hello people this is my first time on a forum so yeah i dont know anything. Im shadowpulse. Im a Shiny Gallade that has gotten a tail and wings through surgery. I have an alter ego named Caius and he loves any sexual related stuff so watch out for him. I like all pokemon as long as the way a...
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