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  1. Aquiana


    Er, no offese but Grimmjow creeps me out. Kenpachi used to but I warmed up to him. Kaien was awsome!
  2. Aquiana

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Oh my God Oh my GOD!!! Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TH-the de-death no-no-note w-wo-one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THa -That was the funniest F****n thing I've ever...
  3. Aquiana

    randomness is not funny

    Plus another thing is Naruto abridged. That is friicken hilarious man! You might like it! It's totally makeing fun of Naruto. Sasuke:Oh no, the killed sensei! Random Voice:Logged! "Kakashi turns into a log" Sasuke:"Eyebrow twitching involentarily" Nobody... say... anything. Ha Ha HA HA LOL...
  4. Aquiana

    randomness is not funny

    Don't... dis... the... Naruto Randomness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ON YOUTUBE AND WATCH IT THEN TELL ME IF IT'S NOT...
  5. Aquiana

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose O.O I think I might be scarred for life... for the 3584th time this summer.
  6. Aquiana


    Re: Random things about the Anime Bleach It's my Bleach alter Ego! The same as the person in my signiture!
  7. Aquiana


    Basically, you can talk about any bleach related topic. Like Who's your favorite charecter, or Youtube Amv's of Bleach. By the way if you want to laugh goto "Bleach cake" on Youtube. It's fricken hilarious!:grin:
  8. Aquiana

    And, two refreshes later...

    O.O Wow!
  9. Aquiana

    randomness is not funny

    Randomness is to funny!!! Have you ever seen Naruto Randomness!!??!!?? And the only reason why people go on here is because you made the title have nothing to do with being new!!!
  10. Aquiana

    Tell me something that's...

    Sasuke Uchiha! Tell me something... that I might like!
  11. Aquiana

    Hello peoples!

    "Blink Blink" Yeah! Wooot Anncore Anncore! That was great! Arigato!
  12. Aquiana

    LOL! I love Death Note! ^.^ squee!

    LOL! I love Death Note! ^.^ squee!
  13. Aquiana

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose ... I-I Idon't know, but I laughed at almost everything... -.-
  14. Aquiana

    Man calls 911 because of wrong Subway order

    To true to true.
  15. Aquiana

    Hello peoples!

    Thankies! I can't wait to... post... more? O well... Do, you like shortcake Yes I like Shortcakes... If you want the rest of this song... just ask! ^.^
  16. Aquiana

    Man calls 911 because of wrong Subway order

    O.O I thought you weren't aloud to write curse words... Man I feel dumb -.-'
  17. Aquiana

    I AM NEW HERE!!! i did this because of IT

    Ha ha I actually know sergeantwaffleS! In fact, he's standing right behind me. No really!
  18. Aquiana

    Hi I am Dark Mew

    Hi Hi! I'm Aquiana! I feel Hyper! You sound nice!... Cartoon Bleach Heroes!
  19. Aquiana

    Hello peoples!

    Er, well, um... As Kakashi from Naruto Abridged says! Ha ha, Moo.:sweatdrop: I'm a full blown Anime fan! I like, in or around this order, Naruto, Digimon, Bleach, Pokemon, Death Note, FMA, Inuyasha, and Code Geass! My Favorite Pokemon is a tie between Abra, Pikachu, Mudkip, and Magikarp...
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