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Search results

  1. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    Thanks for the idea I might just use it. :) Nice pic of leafeon on your avatar.
  2. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    Lol. Thanks for the catch. See after all the people getting mad at me the forum finaly looks better. Lol. :p
  3. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    O.k. She did the site her self go look. I personaly like it. :)
  4. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    My second Admin is about to put up a new layout and banner. When ever she get the time. I'm going to make spirites for the icons. (Don't worry they won't look like that swampert.)
  5. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    Hold there is something spelled wrong on my forum? Or do you mean my spelling on here? Negrek I love that saying in your signature.
  6. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    How can't you see white and red on a black background?
  7. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    Wow did I really type all those words wrong?? It must have been late here when I typed them. I don't even know what I was trying to spell with some of them words.
  8. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    I believe it's not my spelling which is incorrect. It's my punctuation.
  9. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    What am I not listening to? What are you guys telling me to do to my site?
  10. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    You guys are running out steam or something. I mean is this the best you can do? When I put up my swampert you all made me feel a little bad about me putting it up. But now it's like you guys have nothing I was hoping for a lot more criticism. I mean, I already told you what my sites has on it...
  11. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    Dude are you talking about my swampert site?? That has a whole nother post. This is about Trainers Chill Out. You really need to be updated. http://trainerchillout.forumotions.com/ My Swampert says under going revamp. And believe it or not family goes throw problems. Their not always Hahaha...
  12. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    Wow nice catch. Thanks for that one. I would have looked at eventually. But thanks anyway. The banner was made by my second administrator Kassandra. Who is a girl who odvisly likes lots of colors. You can't please everyone sorry. And how does a color not go with black?
  13. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    I didn't put mine up first because I didn't have them made yet. Back to who wants to join the site?
  14. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    No I mean when you are online Kassie thinks you don't like her. Ok I'll take them I made my own anyway. (I didn't think it would matter if I took something off of my old site, which my under admin posted.) I think mine is better.
  15. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    Twilight I been trying to talk to you why are you never coming in chat box? Also that's why it says "Thanks to Twilight" at the bottom. Does anyone else have problem with layout?
  16. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    While I have a breeder's and professor's lab. A pokémon trivia board. Also I have a chat box at the top of the forum.
  17. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    If I could think of something, TCod is a great forum; it would be hard to compete with. (Still working on banner that was just something to put up there for while being.) Oh there will be clubs and teams if I get enough members, and I just added new boards. (Will add rules of posting on them...
  18. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    People bother because they fell as though they have not found the perfect place yet so they continue to search and as long as people are searching more people will make more things for them to find. Like my forum for example I made so other trainers can come and try to make it perfect. I mean...
  19. K

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    check it out my most recent spirite. Well not realy I have this one but I made it for someone. Are they good or are they good?
  20. K

    Trainer Chill Out. Check It Out.

    What do you mean by that? There nothing majorly wrong with the forum. It has 3 colors. (Open for reasoning) Lots of boards. (Including a role playing board) Working on pics for new post, old post, and locked post. All it needs is members. ( This is why I'm here now) I don't see why you guys so...
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