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Search results

  1. Charles Legend

    Profile Archive

    Charles Legend's Profile Name: Charles Legend Money: $15 Record: 0 wins, 0 losses, 0 draws Active Squad Species: Riolu Name: Sirius Gender: Male Ability: Steadfast Body Mod: None Move Mod: None Rarity: Six Held Item (None) Experience: 0 Approval: here Species: Pichu Name: Pika Gender...
  2. Charles Legend

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'd like to register my starting team. [Sirius] Riolu (m) ability: steadfast $20 [Pika] Pichu (m) ability: Static $10 paid at the bank ~Charles Legend
  3. Charles Legend

    Bank of TCoD

    paying for my starters 45$-30$=15$ ~Charles Legend
  4. Charles Legend

    Bank of TCoD

    Requesting a bank account, please and thank you. ~Charles Legend
  5. Charles Legend

    Rolls eyes

    Hey Butterfree I think you need to make the cave's mouth bigger my Ship the Phantom Galleon almost got stuck... ;) But yeah I'm just joking about your door Dragonfree, anyways I just thought I would drop by your site and say hi, and yes I am from TPM. ;) ~Charles Legend
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