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Search results

  1. Denri

    christ on a bike past me was shameful.

    christ on a bike past me was shameful.
  2. Denri

    The Clue Game

    Sorry for booming on everyone here. XD
  3. Denri

    The Clue Game

    Spoiler for 3 Hooray for confusing hints. If you think about what I said, it'd make mre sense.
  4. Denri

    The Clue Game

    Like i said earlier: If you want my help, you need to show me the clue. My brain farts on a regular basis and refuses to remember them.
  5. Denri

    The Clue Game

    I STILL need more hints for 30. ><
  6. Denri


  7. Denri

    The Clue Game

  8. Denri

    The Clue Game

    Does 30 deal with
  9. Denri

    The Clue Game

    Hmm, 22... Is that the christmas-y one? Lessee... And you are very welcome Ooooooohface. :D
  10. Denri

    The Clue Game

    HINT FOR 29! Sorry if it was too obvious. I tried to give better help then was being given. this clue was actually rather easy... Anyway, help for #30? EDIT: Oh, and since I'm already on 30, I'm giving hints to the other clues. Thing is, I have terrible memory, so if you want me to hint you...
  11. Denri

    Oranges and Lemons - Reborn

    Thanks a tone! And thanks for the thanks! XD I'm glad I could help!
  12. Denri

    The Clue Game

    29 IS EATING MY BRAIN! GAAH! >< EEEEEEAAATTIIING IIIIITTTTTTT. I got 28 on my own, no help. :D
  13. Denri

    The Clue Game

    ooooooohface, thanks for your patience, but my brain is feeling rather numb right now... Would it have anything to do with A: OR B: Sorry that I'm trying to get a blatant answer from you, it's just that my mind has formed some sort of mental block against this clue. It's very frustrating...
  14. Denri

    The Clue Game

    ....I still can't get 8! i even tried
  15. Denri


    I enjoi mai braces! Trust me, they dun hurt as much as ppl say and there's ways around the no gum and candy rule. :D
  16. Denri

    Oranges and Lemons - Reborn

    I just wanted to save a place for a request... I mean, I know that you're really busy and I respect your time... considering the fact that I take forever to do requests myself for dragon art... So I'll try to keep it simple... Can I get a... Lugia/Latias splice, with lugia as the base, and...
  17. Denri

    The Clue Game

    okay...please... i need a hint for #8. IT HAS TO BE REALLY OBVIOUS. like, for some reason I've spent 2 hrs on this one question. I NEED THE MOST OBVIOUS HINT YOU CAN GIVE ME. please? or pm me the answer? ....please? I need this so much... I want to complete this so much. Please help.
  18. Denri

    Greetings, all...

    *mooches off thread's existence for the sake of getting rid of annoying header* O HAI EVERYBODY! :D
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