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Search results

  1. Moonlight the Umbreon

    A newbie? In the introductions forum? Madness!

    Ohaithere I am not dead! also it is not only madness it is SPARTA
  2. Moonlight the Umbreon


    Yoes. Hows it going? ...I got the 'Get active' header. so I'm welcoming you.
  3. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Posting disabled

    I know, there should be a limit.
  4. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED, READ 1ST PAGE

    Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. @.@ Haven't been on for a while, but now I'm on, and wow, that be bootiful!
  5. Moonlight the Umbreon


    I haven't been on for a while, so I thought I'd post again by going to the introduction thread! Hi!
  6. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Well, ask her if you can borrow it!

    Well, ask her if you can borrow it!
  7. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED, READ 1ST PAGE

    Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. *gasp* A gift? For me?? *claps hands like London Tipton* Yay me!
  8. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Thanks...! I have Wi-Fi, do you want to battle me? Or no? Do you even have D/P? because I don't...

    Thanks...! I have Wi-Fi, do you want to battle me? Or no? Do you even have D/P? because I don't have PBR.
  9. Moonlight the Umbreon


    ^ I double that.
  10. Moonlight the Umbreon


    Well, I hope the header is gone!
  11. Moonlight the Umbreon


    Wow...Once again, Thanks for welcoming me!
  12. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! I think she meant that she thought you were about to request, because she saw your name down where the names of the people looking at the thread are.
  13. Moonlight the Umbreon


    Yes, he's also my favorite Eeveelution, as I like to call them! My Shiny Eevee evolved last night into... *evolution music* Shiny Umbreon! =D
  14. Moonlight the Umbreon


    ...If I was really an Umbreon, would I be able to type with the tiny keys on the keyboard? If I were an Umbreon, I'd need a jumbo sized keyboard. And how would I move the mouse?
  15. Moonlight the Umbreon


    High again! Thanks for welcoming me! *looks for a temporary avatar on Google until I get a permanent one*
  16. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! Um, hi, might I have an Umbreon chao? *doesn't bother to read other requests*
  17. Moonlight the Umbreon

    Hello there!

    Welcome to TCoD. I am new also, and I have heard this is where we drink cod and eat mint tea XD
  18. Moonlight the Umbreon


    I'm Moonlight. Pleasure to meet you all. As you may have noticed, I am new. I would like friends.
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