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Search results

  1. Palamon

    Pokèmon Sleep

    I honestly sleep on the floor and not on a bed, so even if this game benefitted me, it doesn't, so I'm not playing. I don't sleep well, anyway, so I doubt I'd catch a lot of Pokemon.
  2. Palamon

    How many Pokémon can you name?

    I can likely name everything except the generation 9 ones because I haven't memorized them all yet.
  3. Palamon

    Twenty Years of TCoD

    Oh, wow, 20 years? That's amazing, congratulations. I think I joined around...2009-ish...and only peek around sometimes, but still.
  4. Palamon

    Things that you just can't understand

    I never understood the lore with the whole... multiverse thing after post ORAS. It makes sense from there, but now, I feel it's gotten too complicated. I don't know if it still applies, if it's even valid anymore, and where the newer games fit, if at all in this multiverse bombshell. Also parts...
  5. Palamon

    What's the rule on bumping threads? I've been wanting to post around but I don't know if it's...

    What's the rule on bumping threads? I've been wanting to post around but I don't know if it's allowed here to post in threads over a month old.
  6. Palamon

    Would you be into Pokémon if it came out today?

    Hmm? No? If it came out just now in 2022, I don't think I'd be interested. I'd probably be a completely different person, too. So, definitely not.
  7. Palamon

    Is there a thematic reason for bridges to be so prominent in Unova?

    It's because Unova is based off of New York, Long Island, and parts of New Jersey, and bridges are commonplace around where I live (New York). So, that's why there's a lot of bridges in Unova, I'm willing to bet.
  8. Palamon

    You don't know me, but I'm dropping a message to say cool icon. I still play the (Japanese)...

    You don't know me, but I'm dropping a message to say cool icon. I still play the (Japanese) version of a3 & have since launch.
  9. Palamon

    oh my god, were you from that ancient dead Pokemon forum, Pokemon Nightmare?? And yes, riku is...

    oh my god, were you from that ancient dead Pokemon forum, Pokemon Nightmare?? And yes, riku is a good boy, i love he
  10. Palamon

    What is your least favorite Pokemon

    None are my least favorite, actually. I like all Pokemon, so. Eh.
  11. Palamon

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokémon? It's Treecko. Always has been, always will be.
  12. Palamon


    How are you guys celebrating?
  13. Palamon

    Useless Gifts.

    ...No gift is useless. Be grateful for what you get, don't complain about it.
  14. Palamon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I got the Yuuya figure I always wanted a week ago. It's beautiful on my dresser.
  15. Palamon

    I'm sorry. ^^; I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

    I'm sorry. ^^; I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
  16. Palamon

    Common mistakes you make

    Well, what even are the common mistakes you make? Spilling juice? How embarrassed does it make you feel?
  17. Palamon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I found a new anime today that made me feel fangilrly inside. It's called "DearS." You guys won't like it, but I found it really funny. Perked me up a tiny bit with the bad headache I had.
  18. Palamon

    Woah. You live in Iceland? What's it like there?

    Woah. You live in Iceland? What's it like there?
  19. Palamon

    Things that annoy you, that really shouldn't

    It annoys me when people don't push in their chairs. Do you want to nearly kill a person who is clumsy by leaving your chair unpushed? Well, good for you, fiend to the earth. n_n
  20. Palamon


    Hello. Welcome to Dragonfly Cave. You like MLP? So do many people here I'm sure you'll fit in. Please enjoy your stay.
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