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Search results

  1. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    Digimon is like pokemon

    Originally Posted by Meowzie-chan :sighs: You're new to Pokémon AND Digimon, aren't you, mew?Look, heres the bacts: They are only REMOTELY similar. :sighs again: If you watch the first two seasons of both shows, being Digimon and Digimon zero two as well as Pokémon and Pokémon Orange Islands...
  2. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    Digimon is like pokemon

    i did not meen identical, i ment alike, please stop posting meen stuff :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  3. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    so... who likes my pic?

    so... who likes my pic?
  4. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    yeah! whats that again?

    yeah! whats that again?
  5. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? ne thing cute, cudddly luvable or furry
  6. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    Digimon is like pokemon

    has ne1 seen digimon and noticed how its like pokemon a lot?
  7. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    hiya! a fan here, go warrriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, look at this...

    hiya! a fan here, go warrriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, look at this http://www.warriorcats.com/video.html
  8. Mew_the_Missing_Princess

    What pokemon would you be?

    me, mew as leader 'cause i can change in2 a pokemon and no1 would know its me and i would have a cresselia and celebi on my team but i would pose as a jirachi we would be called hidden friends with the enemy team of mewtwo (leader), darkrai, and rotom called shadowers, but thats a fantasy
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