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Search results

  1. B

    Famous Last Words...

    I can see my house from here!!
  2. B

    Favourite Steel Type?

    Aron is adorable, and I can't name any specific reasons for Lairon, but I like those a lot. Not that I've got anything against Aggron, but I just don't-- *EARTHQUAKE.* Okay, fine, Steelix too.
  3. B

    Outside opinions...

    Something like that crossed my mind too, while I was looking into petrification. I didn't want to brush on it then though, since I hadn't read much into that process yet and I don't need to make myself look like any more of an ass. :P The cell wall idea is definitely worth considering, though...
  4. B

    Outside opinions...

    I thought about the skin tissue itself simply hardening to a rock-like density, instead of minerals just forming over the flesh (or some balance of both). It sounds like a better explanation of how at least a Rhydon's hide is formed anyway. Then the muscle tissue would start to stiffen as...
  5. B

    Outside opinions...

    Hi there. I've been around for a while -- was registered before the big forum crash, but even then I didn't post often. I'm writing a Pokémon fanfic that's been mostly planned out from beginning to end, and two chapters are currently up for public viewing. They're here if you want to have a...
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