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Search results

  1. [O]

    The Challenge Board

    3vs3 | triple Style: Set DQ: 7 days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: OHKO's, 5 chills/pokemon, 5 direct heals/pokemon Arena: inside a computer screen Using the power of GTS, ASB has invented a way to transfer Pokemon into a computer and hold battles there. However, because this idea is still quite...
  2. [O]

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take. Profile? Here's mine. EDIT: Okay, thanks for the edit. But now I sort of regret it; all Fire types xD
  3. [O]

    The Challenge Board

    Errr.... Teacher9985 already took the challenge; I'm not sure why Negrek hasn't updated it yet.
  4. [O]

    The Challenge Board

    2vs2 single Style: Set DQ: 7 Days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: N/A Arena: /b/ Ah, /b/. The infamous message board that has spawned over nine thousand memes and housed countless trolls. /b/ is a twisted area of cyberspace that few are brave enough to venture into, lest their poor souls be...
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