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  1. ?

    The "Fwee" Thread

    If I weren't already in one I'd totally have to disregard this.
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    You are my new favorite person here on TCoD. I'm seeing them on the 17th at only the most happening place in Memphis, the FedEx Forum!!! I AM SOO FWEEING RIGHT NOW Maybe this time they'll play some Night Castle stuff for me. :D
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    Retainers aren't that bad. After a certain point you'll only have to wear them at night. Just remember to take them out before you eat. >_>
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    So I run into the same dilemma every year: what can I get my parents for Christmas this year? Never fails. I'm always rushing at the last minute and it's usually not much. But just yesterday, I had a marvelous epiphany. I know exactly what to do for them. About two months ago, I got this...
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    I just listened to Dream Theater's Twelve-Step Suite in its entirety. The way I look at music has been changed.
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    It was incredible!!! I wasn't able to attend the midnight premiere like I wanted, but my friends and I made the best of it and went to the matinee at 10. And it was made even better for me by the fact that my sisters tried to outdo my (totally emo, so Idk why they'd want to outdo it) outfit and...
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    Going to see it in 2.5 hours! :D
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    There is no joy quite like that of getting a 104 on an assignment. :grin:
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    My essay...is done.
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    And my insomnia strikes again. Why am I posting this in the Fwee thread, you ask? To curb it, I'm sitting in my bedroom in pitch-darkness, ear-buds blasting dance techno, hardstyle psychedelic trance (extremely trippy when tired, just a warning), and everything in between. Sounds boring, but...
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    Halloween was pretty cool for me. It lasted all weekend, starting on Saturday, wherein I was helping out with a haunted trail. The group's goal was to make at least one kid cry, and we succeeded. And then we raided the local Arby's. On Sunday (actual halloween) I co-dj'd an amazing party and...
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    ^I know! I thought I was the only one excited too! In personal news, my Windows Media Player decided to just wipe my entire library (All my stuff's backed up on iTunes, so it's still okay, but I need the Media Player for sound tweaking cuz I get better bass out of it) except for my album of...
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    Not sure if that's worthy of fweeing, but okay. In personal news, I've acquired a new bit of music software. And there was much rejoicing.
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    Well, I just got back from the meeting. And.... We're not having elections till mid-fall. So this gives me a reason to fwee cuz I was still a little nervous. Plus, I got to see one of my best friends anyway, and he and I both enjoyed our time together, so it's been a good day.
  15. ?

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm going to the meeting tomorrow! Hoping to get elected!! But even if I don't, I still get to see some of my best friends!!! So there's no downside to this at all!!!! Fwee!!!!!
  16. ?

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Remember this? just got back from the meeting and...I didn't get the position. But I'm still secretary (so I still get to do a lot of the really important stuff) and my sister got treasurer, which she seemed to be interested in. Chapter Chief is starting to seem a little bit farther off, but...
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    The "Fwee" Thread

    Omg yessss!!! It was amazing~ Did you?
  18. ?

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Well, the way my life is turning out to be, I'm going to have a sudden increase in responsibility. Normally, most people wouldn't be fweeing about this, but in my case it's really great. First, I may be the youth president of my Venturing crew. Not a huge deal because I'm already the secretary...
  19. ?

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I downloaded an album's worth of hardcore trance music. Fwee. I am eating Sun Chips. Fwee 2.0. I am in the process of downloading iTunes 10. Fwee x3. Life is good.
  20. ?

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I GOT TO SEE ONE OF MY FRIENDS TODAY!!! He's soo homophobic but I love him anyway and we had a great time. Fwee!
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