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  1. ?


    Me. Voted hetero but now I'm bi in all definition of the term.
  2. ?


    That's what sarcasm is for. :grin:
  3. ?


    ^I knew I couldn't have been the only one to think this.
  4. ?


    Excellent observation, Miss Fox. But what is the exact definition of an active member? Plus, there's got to be someone besides me out of those 162 people who did originally vote hetero but have since changed.
  5. ?


    M'kay, a couple of months ago, I identified myself on this thread as heterosexual and biromantic. Buuuut now things have changed...a LAWT...and now I identify as bisexual and biromantic, borderline heteromantic. I don't know exactly what made me change, other than the fact that my summer was...
  6. ?


    Would you rather I go back and edit that post? And I was in a Boy Scout troop at thirteen and had to camp with boys older than me by a few years who may not have been but certainly came across as gay or bisexual. And I wasn't quite as accepting of such things back then, to say the least. I'm...
  7. ?


    Well if you'll look at my first post, you'll see that I said that I didn't care if other people were bisexual or gay; In fact, I encourage them to love who they want to love no matter what others think. I'm just not bisexual or gay myself. And I probably should have seen this coming; in...
  8. ?


    I'm certainly not homophobic, as I've been friends with at least one male who's been bisexual, but I don't enjoy the thought of engaging in such activities with a man at all. A relationship is just fine with me, but not an intimate sexual one. It's hard for me to explain, but I am not 100%...
  9. ?


    I am heterosexual and hopefully will always be, but I do not oppose those who aren't. I'd be a little freaked out if a guy came to me and asked to form a romantic relationship, but wouldn't just bluntly turn him down. I'd want to be just friends, because I'm sure half or more of the guys I...
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