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Search results

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    The Challenge Board

    LET'S GO
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    The Challenge Board

    Let's do this!
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    The Challenge Board

    LET'S GO
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    The Challenge Board

    For Karkat! ==> 2 vs 2 single Style: Set DQ: a week Damage Cap: 60% Banned Moves: OHKO's Arena: SGRUB Finale A platform with a big SGRUB symbol on it. All the trolls will teleport onto the platform one by one, inflicting different effects. Aradia will protect each Pokemon from mind control...
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    The Challenge Board

    Let's go.
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    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 Single Style: Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: None Banned Moves: OHKO's Arena: A Boat A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica.
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    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 single Style: Set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: none Banned Moves: OHKO's Arena: A boat A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica.
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    The Challenge Board

    I'll participate on the opposing team.
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    The Challenge Board

    Let's go.
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    The Challenge Board

    I'll take you on. :)
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    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 single Style: Set DQ: Five days. Damage Cap: none Banned Moves: No energy/health restoring moves (Rest, Chill, Drain Punch, Leech Seed, etc.), Destiny Bond, Explosion, OHKO's. Arena: A boat A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's...
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    The Challenge Board

    2vs2 double Style: Set DQ: 7 days Damage Cap: none Banned Moves: OHKO's Arena: A boat A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica. Other: Only not-fully-evolved Pokemon may be used
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    The Challenge Board

    I'll have a go at this.
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    The Challenge Board

    [for Mewtini] 2vs2 single DQ: a week Damage Cap: none~ Banned Moves: OHKO's Arena: A boat A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica.
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    The Challenge Board

    2vs2 single Style: Switch DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO's Arena: Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Other: Only not-fully-evolved Pokemon may be used.
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    The Challenge Board

    2vs2 double DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: none~ Banned Moves: OHKO's Arena: A boat A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica. :D
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    The Challenge Board

    For RespectTheBlade only. 1vs1 single DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: none~ Banned Moves: Weather moves. Arena: Antarctica Looks like Aureus, Zero, Mawile, and RespectTheBlade have finally arrived at their destination: Antarctica. Antarctica is practically a continent of solid snow. Hail is always in...
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    The Challenge Board

    (for RespectTheBlade) 1vs1 single Style: set DQ: 11 days Damage cap: 40% Banned moves: Weather-changing moves, direct heal moves, OHKO moves. Arena: a MS Paint document Somehow, the contestants have found their way on a field of white located inside a computer. Being MS Paint, there is a...
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    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 single Style: Set DQ: Five days. Damage Cap: none~ Banned Moves: No energy/health restoring moves (Rest, Chill, Drain Punch, Leech Seed, etc.), Destiny Bond, Explosion, OHKO's. Arena: A boat A normal-sized rowboat that is floating in the middle of the ocean. Other: Only baby/basic...
  20. ?

    The Challenge Board

    1vs1 single Style: Set DQ: Five days. Damage Cap: none~ Banned Moves: No energy/health restoring moves (Rest, Chill, Drain Punch, Leech Seed, etc.), Destiny Bond, Explosion, OHKO's. Arena: A boat A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's...
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