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  1. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    slowthings are too ~slow~ they have like <80 base speed
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    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    yeah that is v notable, noted
  3. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    running out of pp might get to be problem.
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    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    that, and most forms of stall just aren't much good in-game because setup and running out of pp.
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    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    glaceon is still garchomp counter >|||
  6. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    mind, spearow line is p much strictly superior to pidgey line in all ways that matter, except at levels 18-19. (I mean, doduo is better than pidgeotto in most ways and then evolves before pidgeotto and then dodrio is ... dodrio is dodrio; but doduo line isn't really early-game.) also, drill run...
  7. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    implicit assumption there is that likefulness is a toset! in fact, it assumes a proper ordering! if it's a poset or, worse, not properly ordered, then ... you'd get erratic results. (that garbodor is a minimum, though, probably need not be disputed.)
  8. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    dusknoir was just entirely needless, you ... tack on a bit of attack, bump the other stats negligibly much -- 25 to 45 speed is like, don't even care -- ending up with p much the same distribution, just actually capable of physical attacks ?? confer banette which suffers from being offensively...
  9. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    tentacruel is really, really good and tentacool line is actually faster than zubat lines, eh, is one of those things that are just great. tentacruel does have that nice poison typing for toxic spikes, though, and rapid spin -- really, is just that jellicent and tentacruel are not really...
  10. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    that's probably just because you find it difficult to make the sound of an sps! WASPS! see, WASPS! confer BEES!
  11. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    water and pretty much anything gives pretty solid coverage, though. water alone is pretty good coverage. water and normal is resisted only by [(Ghost,Water),(Steel,Water),(Ghost,Grass),(Steel,Grass),(Ghost,Dragon),(Steel,Dragon)], and one of those doesn't even exist and the rest are pretty much...
  12. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    nope, it's a feature of kyogre's design. dw art has them, sugimori has them, sprites have them; movie 9, likewise. ... unless you're talking about the fact that they're mismatched in that image, in which case I haven't a clue.
  13. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    all I can say is, pokémon were not designed with physics in mind.
  14. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    also groudon floats on water.
  15. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I knew that, yes. unfortunately, it is only an xd tutor move, no?
  16. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    unown are amusing to play with in general, yes, that is indisputably true, I am right. useful is entirely irrelevant, as evidenced by the fact that we've managed not to kick them out after 79 hours. is that a record? considering the thread, I wouldn't be surprised. unown are too awesome to only...
  17. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    also you write notes and essays unownen don't forget that well, essay.
  18. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    ninetales is faster.
  19. 1

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    it ... does learn ingrain. <3 <3 <3 :DDD also encore. also clear smog somehow. also gastro acid. also knock off (and thief). bellsprout is quite the shady character.
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