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  1. 1

    Business Approval Office

    that and they go red/spicy/cool/attack, yellow/sour/tough/defense, blue/dry/beauty/spa, green/bitter/smart/spd, and pink/sweet/cute/speed, no? I imagine something similar could be worked into body mods. consider, for example, this ancient thing. ... is that business still functional?
  2. 1

    Business Approval Office

    exp with basically no effort is on the no list. the rest seems to step on the toes of blazhy and dragon's business a bit, too, but.
  3. 1

    Business Approval Office

    hidden power is randomized each battle, so ??
  4. 1

    Business Approval Office

    no, they can't. which is silly.
  5. 1

    Business Approval Office

    well, lums require TIME.
  6. 1

    Business Approval Office

    wasn't negrek working on something with selling pokémon back to the PRO? that would make it a bit unnecessary.
  7. 1

    Business Approval Office

    you'd probably need a 1/month/pokémon limit or something similar, else it's more or less "pay us for evolution".
  8. 1

    Business Approval Office

    iirc, historically she let business owners do the randomisation themselves as long as they weren't getting way to many highly-valued things. if you're actually randomising, this shouldn't matter that much.
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