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Search results

  1. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Once more the impidimp used numbers to their advantage. They pushed Felin to the ground as she stabbed at another, socked her in the face when she tried to stand. No strike brought an ounce of pain. Her eyes did not even point their way. She had one goal. It was... "Snom shit!" Felin beat the...
  2. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Annoying. Their tricks and schemes slowed her done, yet she moved anyway. She arrived to the lookout in a swift blur, eye to eye with Morris. "Does a snake still move when you cut off its head?" Felin thrust her sword for his neck.
  3. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    "You want my sword?" Light scattered from the blade as she swung it. "Take it when I'm dead!"
  4. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    "Alright then. The hunt begins." Felin cracked her knuckles and drew her blade. She leapt into the fray right on Silver and Isidora's heels.
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