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Search results

  1. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Rate my 2nd banner ever please. I was messing around with GIMP and this came up.
  2. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    My first overshade (2nd for Zulo >.>) Rates please. .-:Collocus:-.
  3. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Anyone mind rating this? :D Please? .-:Collocus:-.
  4. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Firstly, they're all terribly re-sized. Never, and I mean ever re-size your sprites using Paint, because they'll come out like crap. Secondly, save them as .PNG, not .JPEG or whatever. Only PNG or GIF. Actually, forget GIF, only PNG will work, as it preserves the quality of your sprite. I still...
  5. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Now, would someone mind rating this? It is a fusion of Mewtwo (base), Celebi and Entei. I added Entei to it because it was supposed to be a fusion with 3 Pokemon which looked like the evolved form of a legendary. Mewtwo was the base, Entei was used for one wing and the tail and Celebi was...
  6. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Man, you're one good spriter. But the flames on the Palkia look inferno-ish and it's bad to put too much of an outline on the fire. Rates?
  7. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Can anyone rate this? Fake I made for a friends region. It's his birthday today =D
  8. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    LOLOL! Seriously, I've never seen something so creative and funny in my whole Pokemon spriting career (which has lasted for only about 6 months xD). The dithering is not over-used, which makes it look really detailed, and you've shaded under parts like the nose and the mouth. But the only...
  9. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    @ Mewtwo: It's a cosplayer right? What you must do is remove the costume and scratch a costume which is sorta like a disguise. So you'll need a bare sprite (try Spriters Resource). Try to refrain from painting their faces with the Pokemon's color. The legs are fine, because Pokemon usually have...
  10. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    I'll crit this for you. You can make this bigger. The size limit is 80x80, not 47x52. The body is far too big and cramping, so the head is much smaller and the beak has even less space to fit in. You could re shade it a small bit but the shading looks alright to me. Try not to make it circular...
  11. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Pho, lolwut I didn't expect to see you here? I can't rate your sprites because they are unimaginably awesome. Anyway, Ketsu, time for crits. I'm sorta hard on crits mmkay? Was this a disguise or a fusion? The collar has sorta kept its original shape and it hasn't been edited much except for a...
  12. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    D8 I'm no good at fakes so I can't rate that, except that the tail is a little too straight. Ditto in Pepsi Burstinatrix (one of my palletes, DO NOT BE A NOOB AND STEAL IT! [besides, who would?]) Rates plz?
  13. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Full Metal Cookies: They look alright, but the 1st one in the evo chain looks a bit weird. Its face needs a bit more detail and looks a bit out of place while the scythe doesn't look like it's being held. You might want to fix the shading a bit and reduce the dithering too.
  14. Adnan

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Charizard / Magmar fusion. Fully scratched. Rates please.
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