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Search results

  1. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    I'm not strapped for the cash, and it's already been well determined what happened, so I see no need for it.
  2. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    I dunno how the Pokemon thing got messed up again, I'm sure I fixed it before. But um, in that case prizes are: Coroxn gets $9 Denryu (finally updating the name) gets $24 Aethelstan gets $7 Raven gains 1 EXP Chelsae gains 3 EXP Lostprophet gains 3 EXP Iron Tooth gains 1 EXP Doppelgang'd gains...
  3. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    My bad. Raven gains 1 EXP Chelsae gains 2 EXP Lostprophet gains 3 EXP Iron Tooth gains 1 EXP Doppelgang'd gains 2 EXP Delphi gains 1 EXP
  4. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Both parties have agreed to a draw. I'm a little sketchy on the prizes for a an e-ref who finished a battle in a draw, but I believe prizes are as follows. Coroxn gets $8 Ampharos gets $8 Aethelstan gets $2 Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here.
  5. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Coronx(XXO) [Delphi] Abra (M) abra Health: 47% Energy: 10% Status: Still stiff, and a little shaken up from so many powerful electrical attacks. VERY tired as well. Spec. ATK +1. Spec DEF +1. Paralyzed (Fair). Flash~Flash~Nothing Ampharos(XOO) [Doppelgäng’d] Mareep (M) mareep Health: 37%...
  6. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Coronx(XXO) [Delphi] Abra (M) abra Health: 63% Energy: 22% Status: A little dazed, and starting to show signs of exhaustion. Spec. ATK +1. Spec DEF +1. Paralyzed (Moderate). Flash~Flash~Flash Ampharos(XOO) [Doppelgäng’d] Mareep (M) mareep Health: 42% Energy: 33% Status: Bruised, weary, and sick...
  7. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Yeah, funny you should ask. I actually missed that too, but I changed it when I fixed the Charge/Thunderbolt thing. So yes, it was accounted for. Good thing for you too, that Psychic was crazy strong before, with the +Spec. ATK, etc.
  8. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Fixed, forgot it was charged when doing damage calculations.
  9. Aethelstan

    Coroxn vs. Ampharos (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    With the sad news of Squorn’s resignation as a referee resonating through the countryside of Asber, Aethelstan steps forward to commandeer one of Squorn’s battles intending to finish things right. The arena is a little spookier than Aethelstan is comfortable with, but knowing there was a battle...
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