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Search results

  1. Aethelstan

    The Absence Sheet

    As noted in the signature, I'm back after a long period of frustration, and hopefully will be able to maintain a more typical reffing schedule. Schooling and stuff exist, but at least I HAVE WORKING INTERNET! Halle-freaking-lujah.
  2. Aethelstan

    The Absence Sheet

    Wow, it's been like two months now, but I got some new parts for my laptop for Christmas, so my computer finally works again! I guess I'll try and ref sometime, although I never got to finish one before my computer blew up in my face :(.
  3. Aethelstan

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll only be able to get on every once in a while for the next couple months. My computer isn't working so well again. The problem probably won't be fixed until I get a new computer.
  4. Aethelstan

    The Absence Sheet

    I seem to have disappeared. My computer has been acting up, so I'll get on when I can. If you don't mind excusing DQ times by a day or two, that would be nice.
  5. Aethelstan

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll undo the DQ, but I need your attacks today or before tomorrow afternoon.
  6. Aethelstan

    The Absence Sheet

    Going on vacation again, shouldn't have internet until Sunday afternoon (around 4 days from now) I should make it back in time to complete reffings and make attack posts; just posting here in case.
  7. Aethelstan

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll be gone for two weeks on vacation, hold all oncoming battles (not that there's that many).
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