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Search results

  1. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    You guys think you all have it bad, well, my wordcount as of this very minute is 3,254. Now that is not very good. I know that I had started over the third day with a brand new story, but I really have no excuse. I do all of my homework at school, I only have to do yard work about once a week...
  2. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Wow, stupid weather. Because it is supposed to get really cold in the next two days, I have to spend quality time that I could be using to actually get to the number of words I should. I have to go outside and rake all of the leaves and bag them. OMG, I hate leaves...
  3. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Kind of a random question, but do you capitalize the word Pokéball? I have it capitalized and I was just wondering? You're not going to make me post an excerpt for every post are you, Tailsy?
  4. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    This novel is going quite well. In just two hours, I wrote over a thousand words. That is much faster than my other story. STORY EXCERPT:
  5. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    God, I hate how freakin' right you are. That story of mine is going nowhere. So I started over and now I am writing a Pokémon fanfic. I will reach 50,000 words! And Cryssie, your motivational signature is da-bomb today! Hehehehe, Light. *drool*
  6. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I'm taking a page from Stephanie Meyer's book (not literally) and I'm writing all the best scenes now and if I still have time, I'll write all of the connecting scenes to finish it off. This is going to be a long month. But, thankfully, tomorrow I have off because of voting, and I will be able...
  7. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I don't know why, but it might just be the servers of the sight, and you might have updated the first time when it wasn't so busy. But look! It changed! =]
  8. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I think it just takes time. Before I shut my computer down for the night, I updated my word count and waited for it to change in my nanobar. It didn't change, so I shut down. But when I got on this morning it was right.
  9. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    *facepalm* WTF is wrong with me. I'm 1684 words into the damn story and now I want to change my plot!! And I'm not even sure if my POV is right for this story. Ugh. Well, on the bright side, I'm glad I can change it now instead of 30,000 words in. BUT I'M NOT GIVING UP! I determined that last...
  10. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I'm at 1,080 words and counting. Is anyone else having trouble loading the NaNoWriMo site? I'm on Mozilla and every so often instead of loading, a "Page Load Error" pops up. Maybe it's just my computer. Ugh. Stupid hand-me-downs. -_-
  11. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I wouldn't cheat, but I was hoping to show off some of my progress. =] Maybe I should start reading the front page...
  12. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Okay.....I figured out how to update my word count, but the box where you have to copy and paste your story is grayed out and I can't click inside of it. I tried just to put the number that my Word document, but I guess they think you'll cheat... Any thoughts?
  13. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Okay, I know this is a stupid question: How do you update your word count? I feel like an idiot, but my word count thing is grayed out. EDIT: Nevermind, I read the FAQ and I figured it out.
  14. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    :unsure: Yeah, I see your point. I just didn't like the fact that something I write could be really similar to someone else's writing. :sweatdrop:
  15. Amaguq

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    This year will be my first NaNo, and I am very excited. I will be writing an original story, but I can't decide on the point of view. I think I write better in first person, but will the plot of the story work with 1st person? Hmm...we'll see. Well, I outlined the main character, the...
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