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Search results

  1. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    I noticed the letter change, but didn't realize what the next word would be... Eh, I'm still tired.
  2. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    I don't get it.
  3. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    Help! Pecan is moving! How do you get her to change her mind?
  4. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    Possibly the most intresting Animal Crossing Video you'll ever see: The darker side of Animal Crossing Diiissscusss[/spookyghostvoice]
  5. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    Dangit you stole my idea THOUGHT POLICE ARREST THIS MAN
  6. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    Rabbit: Oops. Fly and Butterfly: Isn't Mickey Mouse's best friend the same species as his pet?
  7. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    I recently made up a list of species that should be in Animal Crossing: Dragon Alien Armadillo Aardvark Fly Porkupine Robot Gecko Deer Seal (Almost wrote Spheal XD) Dinosaurs (T-Rex, Brontosaurus) Mole Rabbit Chimpanzee Platypus Snake Butterfly Yeah... I think that's it.
  8. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    Nintendo is in Seattle.
  9. Ambipom

    Animal Crossing Fanclub

    Join please? I haven't played WW in ages, so my town is covered in weeds. And it's my brother's game, and he named the town *^@$# or something. I want that game.
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